About IFC


UKM IFC is a dedicated platform to optimize opportunities for strategic cross-institutional cross-disciplinary collaboration between UKM and non governmental institutions  all over the world. UKM IFC interactive system enables and provides access to a range of information and resources to facilitate existing and new partners get connected to the university at their own pace.

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UKM IFC will be continuously updated with the latest information, offering at the moment five (5) information data base, to be referred to as Stakeholder’s Interactive Resources (SIR) gems:-

  • SAPPHIRE : Research For Innovation And Development
        – A data base of IFC partners interested to collaborate with UKM for research and
        – List of research projects partners can jointly work on to improve the quality of life of Bangi society
        – List of research areas partners can explore for collaborative research to solve institutional challenges
  • GARNET : Optimize Our Top Talent
        – List of researchers for research and innovation projects
        – List of trainers for training programmes
        – List of researchers & trainers for consultancy projects
  • DIAMOND : Industry Attachments
        – List of partners interested to offer internship placements and employment to UKM students. *Partners will have access to one module in Sistem Latihan Industri (SLAI) UKM where they can identify suitable interns and contact them directly
        – List of partners interested to provide industry attachment placements
  • AMETHYST : Facilities For Rent
        – List of training facilities for rent
        – List of conference and seminar facilities for rent
        – List of laboratory facilities for rent
  • EMERALD : The Calendar Of Events
      – A monthly calendar where partners can post their events with links for the information of other partners and the public who access the IFC portal

Especially for Bangi industry, community associations and knowledge based institutions, the focus of IFC UKM is to develop ‘Bangi Information Society’ by enabling fluid knowledge exchange, two way talent development and optimization of available facilities & infrastructure. UKM4Bangi IFC would consist of the data base of industry and community associations in Bangi that UKM is a member of including Bangi Industry Administrative Association (BIAA).

The IFC resources would be continuously added or redefined to be relevant and best fit to address the needs of UKM and all participating partners.

Information in selected *panels would be made accessible only to partners who register with the system administrator and be given user name and password.