Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (Kualiti-UKM)

 Kualiti Pemacu Inovasi

Quality Environment System (5S)

  1. What is the meaning of 5S?
  2. How can 5S contribute to the development of an organisation?
  3. What are 5S pratices?
  4. Centres of Responsibilities (PTJ) which have obtained the 5S certification in UKM

1. What is the meaning of 5S?

5S is a management method pioneered by the Japanese industry to create a workplace environment that is comfortable, tidy and safe. 5S aims to create a quality work environment in a systematic and practical way. The implementation of effective 5S practices can improve service quality, saving costs and simplify work processes.

2. How can 5S  Contribute To the Development of an Organisation?

5S is able to further strengthen PTJ Quality Management System based on ISO 9000 Standard MS, particularly in meeting the Resource Management clauses related to Work Environment.  Implementation of an efficient, effective and consistent 5S practices will add value to the organisation’s overall corporate image.

3. What are 5S Practices?

    1. Seiri (Sort) – SORT focuses on the separation and items that are not needed in the workplace.
    2. Seiton (Set to order) – SET TO ORDER refers to the principle of “every thing has its place and every place has its goods”. The emphasis of SORT is on the method of preparation that is orderly, neat, efficient and safe.
    3. Seiso (Shine) – SHINE is a necessary measure to ensure a workplace or equipment is free from dirt/dust that can affect the functioning of equipment, product quality and health. SHINE also places emphasis on hygiene to ensure a comfortable and safe workplace to improve the quality of work and service.
    4. Seiketsu (Standardise) – STANDARDISE means similar condition, shape and color either on features, layout or regulations. 5S activities at this stage can be implemented by establishing uniformity of procedures, layout and standards.
    5. Shitsuke (Sustain) – SUSTAIN is an effort to maintain the first 4 practices of 5S namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso dan Seiketsu beside implementing  continuous improvement at the department premise. SUSTAIN requires commitment and continuous participation from all employees as well as self discipline to ensure that the 5S practices can be carried out effectively and efficiently.


 4. Centres of Resposibilities (PTJ) which have obtained certification of 5S Practices in UKM are

    • UKM Medical Centre : 2008
    • Centre of Research & Instrumentation : 2010
    • Information Technology Centre : 2013
    • Corporate Management Centre : 2014

More information can be found in the Document Management System click