UKM Service Quality Management System

In UKM, the management of service delivery system is regulated by a quality management system (QMS) standard based on MS ISO 9001: 2008. Currently, each Centre of responsibility (CR) operates its quality management system separately and there are nine service centers that have obtained the MS ISO 9001: 2008. On July 1, 2010, at the University Innovation Council meeting Num. 1/2010, the Hon. Tan Sri Vice-Chancellor  has  agreed that the CR’s QMS Services be combined under one certification. This merger aims to improve cost and time effectiveness without reducing the level of quality service delivery to customers and stakeholders.

The merged systems are known as UKM Service Quality Management System or abbreviated name UKM SPKP. It is a combination of QMS of CR, inclusive of those who have obtained the certification of ISO9001: 2008 or are just about to start the process. The CR involved are as follows :


CR  (ISO9001:2008) Year Certification Bodies
Registrar Office 2002 SIRIM
The Bursary 2004 SIRIM
Library 2004 SIRIM
Building and Maintenance Department 2006 Lloyds
Information Technology Centre 2010 SIRIM
Student Service Department 2010 SIRIM


CR (have not obtained Certification)
Research and Instrumentation Management Centre
Occupational Safety and Health Office
Centre for Corporate Communication
Sports Centre
Internal Audit Unit

To achieve this mission, the Hon. Tan Sri Vice Chancellor has appointed Mr. Ab. Aziz Othman, UKM Registrar  as the Management Representative and Mr Abu Bakar Maidin, UKM Chief Librarian as the Deputy  Management Representative. UKM SPKP Committee has set the Scope of UKM SPKP Certification as follows:

  • Human Resource and General Service Management
  • Financial Management
  • Library Management
  • Information Technology Service Management
  • Student Service and Personality Development Management
  • Building & Infrastructure Management
  • Research Management
  • Publishing Management
  • Occupational Safety and Health Management
  • Corporate Communication Management
  • Sports Service Management
  • Auditing Management

The Centre of Quality Management which was established on 10 February 2011 is responsible for monitoring the overall implementation of UKM SPKP and provides input and advice as well as evaluating UKM SPKP efficiency, effectiveness and overall performance in a free and fair manner.