UKM Study Programme Qualification Registration System (UKM-QR)


Following the report by MQA  Institutions Audit held from 22 – 26 March 2010, several recommendations and suggestions have been given to strengthen the quality of education programme management for improvement purposes. One suggestion is to create a database system that coordinates all academic programmes information contents that can be adjusted to be in line with the Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR).

The objectives of the development of this system are to:

  1.  Provide information about the programmes that are accredited and qualifications;
  2. Enable stakeholders to know, understand and make comparisons about the eligibility criteria and the relationship with other qualifications;
  3. Create a systematic programme information management systems;
  4. Enable rapid, transparent and efficient information sharing.

Until now, the CQA has inserted undergraduate programme data  that has been undergoing audit and evaluation purposes only. CQA is getting information from the relevant Faculty / Institute. This system is expected to be fully deployed in June 2012.

UKM  Study  Programme Qualification Registration System (UKM-QR) can be accessed via