Frequently Asked Questions
Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti
- Apa itu ISO?
- Apa hubungan ISO 9001 dan Kualiti?
- Apakah hubungan ISO dan Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM)?
- Apa Faedah-faedah ISO 9001?
- Apakah Skop SPK di UKM?
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) atau Pertubuhan Penstandardan Antarabangsa ialah Persekutuan Standard Kebangsaan (badan anggota ISO) di seluruh dunia. Ianya adalah pertubuhan yang membangunkan piawaian merangkumi pelbagai bidang untuk memastikan kualiti, keselamatan dan kecekapan produk, perkhidmatan dan sistem.
2. Apa hubungan ISO 9001 dan Kualiti?
ISO 9001 ialah piawai antarabangsa yang menjelaskan keperluan di dalam Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti. Ia diaplikasikan di dalam sesebuah organisasi bagi menunjukkan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan produk dan penyediaan perkhidmatan yang konsisten bersesuaian dengan kehendak pelanggan dan keperluan perundangan yang digunapakai. Pemakaian ISO menggalakkan pendekatan proses di dalam membangun, melaksana dan menambahbaik keberkesanan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti.
3. Apakah hubungan ISO dan Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM)?
ISO menyediakan asas yang kukuh bagi pelaksanaan TQM. TQM adalah satu proses pengurusan kualiti yang berasaskan kepada falsafah kualiti berorientasikan pelanggan, berjalan secara berterusan, melibatkan semua aspek organisasi dan memberi penekanan kepada kerja berpasukan. Aspek utama organisasi yang menjadi tumpuan TQM ialah sokongan pengurusan, perancangan strategik kualiti dan pengurusan proses. Sistem kualiti dan sistem kepastian kualiti yang diwujudkan melalui pelaksanaan ISO akan meningkatkan keberkesanan dan kecekapan pengurusan proses yang diberi tumpuan oleh TQM. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan ISO boleh memantapkan usaha ke arah pelaksanaan TQM.
4. Apa Faedah-faedah ISO 9001?
Pelaksanaan ISO 9001 akan memberi faedah kepada organisasi termasuk:
- Mengurangkan tindakan pembetulan yang diambil selepas berlakunya sesuatu masalah.
- Membolehkan organisasi mengenalpasti tugas yang patut dijalankan serta memperincikan tindakan yang perlu diambil.
- Memberi kaedah bagi mendokumenkan secara tersusun amalan pengurusan dan cara bekerja.
- Membolehkan organisasi mengenalpasti dan mengatasi masalah serta mengelakkannya daripada berulang.
- Membolehkan staf menjalankan tugas mereka dengan betul pada kali pertama dan setiap kali (right at the first and everytime).
- Membolehkan organisasi membuktikan kepada pihak yang membuat penilaian bahawa perkhidmatan yang diberi dan sistem yang digunakan adalah terkawal.
- Membolehkan organisasi membuat keputusan dengan lebih baik melalui maklumat penting.
Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Pengurusan Pengajian dan Perkhidmatan (SPKPPP) UKM
Skop pensijilan di bawah SPKPPP UKM meliputi 31 PTj Akademik dan 27 PTj Perkhidmatan:
PTJ Akademik
PTj Perkhidmatan
Quality Management System
- What is ISO?
- What is the relationship between ISO 9001 and Quality?
- What is the relationship between ISO and Total Quality Management?
- What is the Benefits of ISO 9001?
- What is SPK’s Scope in UKM?
International Standardisation Organisation(ISO) Pertubuhan Penstandardan Antarabangsa or is the Federal National Standards (ISO member bodies) worldwide. It is also a written standard that defines and describes the basic requirements that must be included in the quality system to ensure the services provided by an organisation can meet the customer’s requirements. This International Standard promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of the quality management system to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting the customer’s requirements.
2. What is the relationship between ISO 9001 and Quality?
ISO 9001 is an international standard that describes the requirements of the Quality Management System. It is applied in an organization to demonstrate its ability to produce products and a consistent provision of services in accordance with the customer’s and the existing legal requirements. The application of ISO promotes the process approach in developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
3. What is the relationship between ISO and Total Quality Management (TQM)?
ISO provides a solid foundation for the implementation of TQM. TQM is a quality management process based on customer-oriented quality philosophy, ongoing, involving all aspects of the organisation and emphasis on teamwork. The main aspects of the organisation that become the focus of TQM are management support, quality strategic planning and management processes. Quality system and quality assurance system that are realised through the implementation of ISO will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the process management focused by TQM. Thus, the implementation of the ISO can consolidate efforts towards the implementation of TQM.
4. What are the Benefits of ISO 9001?
ISO 9001 implementation will benefit the organization inclusive of the following:
- Reducing the corrective actions taken after the occurrence of a problem.
- Enabling organisations to identify tasks that should be carried out as well as detailing the actions to be taken.
- Providing a structured method for documenting management practices and ways of working.
- Enabling organisations to identify and address the problem and prevent it from recurring.
- Enabling staff to perform their duties correctly right at the first and every time (kali pertama dan setiap kali).
- Enabling organisations to prove to the party making the assessment that the services provided and the system used are controlled .
- Enabling organisations to make better decisions through important information.
5. What is the scope of the QMS in UKM?Quality Management System (SPKP UKM)
Scope of Certification under UKM SPKP covering 17 Centres of Responsibilities provides the following services:
Scope Centre of Responsibilities 1) Human Resource Management and General Services Registrar’s Office 2) Financial Management The Bursary 3) Library Management Library 4) Information Technology Management Information Technology Centre 5) Student Services Management Student Services Department 6) Building Management and Maintenance Department of Building and Maintenance 7) Publications Management Publisher, UKM 8) Research Management Research Management & Instrumentation Centre 9) Occupational Safety and Health Management Occupational Safety and Health Office 10) Corporate Communications Management Centre for Corporate Communications 11) Sports Management Sports Centre 12) Auditing Management Internal Audit Unit 13) Intellectual Property Management Collaborative Innovation Centre 14) Alumni Management Alumni Relations Office 15) Residential College Management Residential Colleges 16) Industry and Community NetworkManagement Chancellor Foundation OfficeIndustrial Relations OfficeUniversity-Community Relations Office 17) UKM International Events Management International Relations Centre Quality Management System of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Management (SPK PPPS)
The scope of the QMS certification under Centres of Responsibilities comprises those which manage the following services:
- Studies Programme Design
- Students Admission
- Student Enrollment
- Teaching and Supervision
- Examination management
- Graduation
List of Centres of Responsibilities under the scope of the PPPS QMS
1 Faculty of Economics & Management 2 Faculty of Pharmacy 3 Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment 4 Faculty of Education 5 Faculty of Islamic Studies 6 Faculty of Dentistry 7 Faculty of Medicine 8 Faculty of Science & Technology 9 Faculty of Health Sciences 10 Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities 11 Faculty of Technology & Information Science 12 Faculty of Law 13 Institute of Environmental & Malay Civilisation 14 Institute for Environment & Development 15 Institute for Systems Biology 16 Institute of Visual Informatics 17 Institute of Islamic Civilisation 18 Institute of Ethnic Studies 19 Institute of Malaysian and International Studies 20 Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics 21 Institute of Solar Energy Research 22 Institute of Molecular Medicine 23 Institute of Fuel Cells 24 Centre For Education Extension 25 Centre For Academic Management 26 Graduate Centre 27 UKM-Graduate School of Business UKM Medical Centre Quality Management System (PPUKM QMS)
The scope of the QMS certification under SPK PPPS comprises 22 Centres of Responsibilities under PPUKM which provides the following services:
- Health care of outpatient and inpatient (20 Departments)
- Human Resource Management (Human Resources)
- Financial Management (Finance)
Sistem Pengurusan Keselamatan Maklumat (ISMS)
Pengurusan Sistem Keselamatan Maklumat adalah berasaskan kepada standard IS0/IEC 27001:2013 Information Technology – Security Techniques – Information Security System Management (ISMS). Pematuhan kepada Standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 adalah jaminan kepada Pihak Berkepentingan dan Pelanggan bahawa maklumat yang berkaitan adalah dilindungi dan selamat daripada kerosakan, hilang atau disalahguna. ISMS telah dilaksanakan di UKM pada Mei 2014. UKM telah menaik taraf kepada standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 dan telah digunapakai bermula Januari 2024.
Pengurusan Kawalan Keselamatan Maklumat yang meliputi:
a. Pengurusan Aplikasi dan Pusat Data (Pusat Teknologi Maklumat)
b. Pengurusan Maklumat Pelantikan Kakitangan Bukan Akademik (Bahagian Sumber Manusia, Jabatan Pendaftar)
c. Pembayaran Gaji Kakitangan (Unit Gaji, Jabatan Bendahari)
d. Pengurusan Pendaftaran Kursus Prasiswazah (Unit Pendaftaran Kursus Prasiswazah, Pusat Pengurusan Akademik)
e. Pengurusan Permohonan Dana Universiti Penyelidikan (Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Instrumentasi) -
Ekosistem Kondusif Sektor Awam (EKSA)
Ekosistem Kondusif Sektor Awam (EKSA) adalah inisiatif penjenamaan semula Amalan 5S Sektor Awam dengan mengambil kira keperluan bagi mengetengahkan persekitaran tempat kerja yang berkualiti dan kondusif di UKM. EKSA juga menggalakkan Pusat Tanggungjawab (PTj) agar lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam usaha mewujudkan persekitaran kerja yang kondusif dan mampu meningkatkan produktiviti serta kualiti penyampaian perkhidmatan. EKSA telah dilancarkan di UKM pada Mac 2023 dengan penglibatan sebanyak 14 PTj Rintis pada peringkat permulaan.
2. Apakah objektif pelaksanaan EKSA?
a. Menggalakkan budaya kerja berprestasi tinggi melalui aktiviti kreatif dan inovatif dalam kalangan warga bagi meningkatkan imej korporat universiti;
b. Mewujudkan ekosistem persekitaran universiti yang kondusif dan lestari;
c. Menerapkan elemen pengauditan memenuhi keperluan kepelbagaian fungsi entiti di universiti;
d. Menyokong usaha mencapai matlamat dan aspirasi Pembangunan Lestari Negara.3. PTj yang telah mengamalkan EKSA di UKM
1. Pusat Pembangunan Profesional dan Kepimpinan (Profesional-UKM)
2. Pusat Pengurusan Penjanaan UKM (Jana@UKM)
3. Yayasan Canselor (YC)
4. Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang (PTSL)
5. Program Forensik, Fakulti Sains Kesihatan
6. Fakulti Pengajian Islam (FPI)
7. Pusat Islam
8. Pusat Pembangunan Karier UKM (UKM Karier)
9. Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (Kualiti-UKM)
10. Pusat Pengurusan Risiko, Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (ROSH-UKM)
11. Unit Aset, Jabatan Bendahari
12. Penerbit UKM
13. Bahagian Sumber Manusia, Jabatan Pendaftar
14. Kolej Dato’ Onn (KDO)PTj Galakan EKSA UKM
1. Pusat Strategi UKM
2. Pusat Komunikasi Korporat (PKK)
3. Pusat Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP-UKM)
4. Institut Kajian Malaysia dan Antarabangsa (IKMAS)
5. Unit Audit Dalam (UAD)
6. Jabatan Pendaftar (Unit Kenderaan)
7. Jabatan Pembangunan Prasarana UKM
8. Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (KTHO)
9. Fakulti Perubatan (FPER) -
Quality Environment System (5S)
- What is the meaning of 5S?
- How can 5S contribute to the development of an organisation?
- What are 5S pratices?
- Centres of Responsibilities (PTJ) which have obtained the 5S certification in UKM
5S is a management method pioneered by the Japanese industry to create a workplace environment that is comfortable, tidy and safe. 5S aims to create a quality work environment in a systematic and practical way. The implementation of effective 5S practices can improve service quality, saving costs and simplify work processes.
2. How can 5S Contribute To the Development of an Organisation?5S is able to further strengthen PTJ Quality Management System based on ISO 9000 Standard MS, particularly in meeting the Resource Management clauses related to Work Environment. Implementation of an efficient, effective and consistent 5S practices will add value to the organisation’s overall corporate image.
- Seiri (Sort) – SORT focuses on the separation and items that are not needed in the workplace.
- Seiton (Set to order) – SET TO ORDER refers to the principle of “every thing has its place and every place has its goods”. The emphasis of SORT is on the method of preparation that is orderly, neat, efficient and safe.
- Seiso (Shine) – SHINE is a necessary measure to ensure a workplace or equipment is free from dirt/dust that can affect the functioning of equipment, product quality and health. SHINE also places emphasis on hygiene to ensure a comfortable and safe workplace to improve the quality of work and service.
- Seiketsu (Standardise) – STANDARDISE means similar condition, shape and color either on features, layout or regulations. 5S activities at this stage can be implemented by establishing uniformity of procedures, layout and standards.
- Shitsuke (Sustain) – SUSTAIN is an effort to maintain the first 4 practices of 5S namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso dan Seiketsu beside implementing continuous improvement at the department premise. SUSTAIN requires commitment and continuous participation from all employees as well as self discipline to ensure that the 5S practices can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
4. Centres of Resposibilities (PTJ) which have obtained certification of 5S Practices in UKM are
- UKM Medical Centre : 2008
- Centre of Research & Instrumentation : 2010
- Information Technology Centre : 2013
- Corporate Management Centre : 2014
More information can be found in the Document Management System click
Information Security Management System (ISMS)
Information Security Management System is based on the standard IS0 / IEC 27001: 2013 Information Technology – Security Techniques – Information Security Management System (ISMS). Compliance with the Standard ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 is a guarantee to Stakeholders and Customers that relevant information is protected and safe from damage, loss or misuse.
2. Scope of ISMS Implementation
University Information System Database Management (SMU), includes human resources, information, processes and technologies in UKM Information Technology Centre. The University Information System database (SMU) supports the critical process of UKM including the following systems:
- Staff Information Management
- Student Information Management
- University Financial and Accounting Management
- University Research Management
- Information Technology Centre
- PPUKM Department of Information Technology
- Registrar’s Office
- The Bursary
- Department of Building and Maintenance
- Risk Management Office
- Office of Occupational Safety and Health
May 1, 2014
Audit dan Penandaarasan
- Bilakah penilaian untuk tujuan Akreditasi Penuh sesuatu program bermula?
- Apakah yang dinilai semasa Akreditasi Penuh?
- Berapa kerapkah semakan program perlu dilakukan?
- Adakah status keperluan Program Profesional dalam Akreditasi Sementara?
- Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Akreditasi Penuh?
- Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Akreditasi Sementara?
- Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Swaakreditasi?
- Bilakah UKM dianugerahkan taraf Institusi Swaakreditasi?
- Untuk tujuan semakan program apakah format/dokumen yang perlu dipatuhi?
- Sekiranya ingin menawarkan program baru, apakah yang perlu dibuat oleh PTJ?
- Apakah kaitan program pengajian dan kelayakan yang diakreditkan dengan pendaftaran dalam Daftar Kelayakan Malaysia (Malaysian Qualifications Register, MQR)?
- Mengapakah perlu bagi sesuatu program pengajian untuk didaftarkan ke dalam MQR?
- Apakah bahan-bahan rujukan yang boleh membantu dalam penyediaan dokumen MQA-01?
- Apakah maksud Penilaian Kendiri Program yang diperlukan dalam penyediaan dokumen MQA-02 ?
- Apakah instrumen yang boleh membantu dalam membuat penilaian kendiri program?
- Apakah proses dan prosedur bagi cadangan program baru?
- Apakah proses dan prosedur bagi semakan program sedia ada?
- Apakah proses dan prosedur bagi akreditasi program professional?
- Di manakah saya boleh mendapatkan khidmat nasihat tentang penyediaan dokumen KPM dan MQA bagi program baru?
1. Bilakah penilaian untuk tujuan Akreditasi Penuh sesuatu program bermula?
Proses penilaian untuk tujuan Akreditasi Penuh sesuatu program itu bermula apabila pelajar kohort pertama program tersebut memasuki tahun akhir pengajian.
2. Apakah yang dinilai semasa Akreditasi Penuh?
Mengikut amalan terbaik antarabangsa, proses akreditasi program ini melibatkan, antara lain, penilaian kendiri serta penilaian dan penyediaan laporan oleh panel penilai. Penilaian ini harus berpandukan suatu kod amalan akreditasi. Contohnya Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA), Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) atau yang seumpamanya. Proses ini berakhir dengan perakuan rasmi oleh pihak berautoriti yang memperakukan pengakreditan program tersebut.
3. Berapa kerapkah semakan program perlu dilakukan?
Institusi berstatus swaakreditasi perlu menjalankan proses penilaian semula yang komprehensif terhadap program yang telah diakredit dari semasa ke semasa (contohnya, sekali dalam setiap lima tahun) untuk memastikan kualiti program ini dapat dipertingkatkan.
4. Adakah status keperluan Program Profesional dalam Akreditasi Sementara?
Sama seperti program lain, semua program profesional perlu mendapatkan kelulusan Akreditasi Sementara (Provisional Accreditation) daripada Senat. Walau bagaimanapun, semua program profesional yang mendapat akreditasi daripada Badan Profesional boleh terus memohon untuk mendapat pengesahan Senat untuk kemasukan ke dalam Daftar Kelayakan Malaysia tertakluk kepada kelulusan akreditasi program tersebut.
5. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Akreditasi Penuh?
Akreditasi Penuh adalah satu aktiviti penilaian untuk memastikan bahawa kegiatan pengajaran, pembelajaran, dan semua aktiviti laian yang berkaitan dengan sesuatu program yang ditawarkan oleh sesebuah Pemberi Pendidikan Tinggi (PPT) telah menepati standard kualiti dan memenuhi Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia.
6. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Akreditasi Sementara?
Akreditasi Sementara adalah satu perlakuan penilaian untuk memastikan sama ada sesuatu program itu telah menepati keperluan kualiti minimum sebelum dianugerahkan Akreditasi Penuh.
7. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Swaakreditasi?
Swaakreditasi adalah satu status yang melayakkan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) mengakreditasi sendiri program pengajian tanpa perlu mendapat kelulusan, Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) dan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) dan hanya dimaklumkan sahaja kepada MQA dan KPM tertakluk kepada pemantauan berterusan dan audit institusi oleh MQA. Walau bagaimanapun, akreditasi tersebut tidak termasuk program profesional yang masih perlu mendapat akreditasi dan pengiktirafan badan profesional yang berkaitan.
8. Bilakah UKM dianugerahkan taraf Institusi Swaakreditasi?
UKM telah dianugerahkan taraf Institusi Swaakreditasi berkuat kuasa pada 29 April 2010.
9. Untuk tujuan semakan program apakah format/dokumen yang perlu dipatuhi?
Format/dokumen yang perlu dipatuhi untuk tujuan semakan program adalah dokumen Kod Amalan Akreditasi Program (COPPA) MQA-02.
10. Sekiranya ingin menawarkan program baru, apakah yang perlu dibuat oleh PTJ?
Selepas cadangan program baru dipersetujui oleh Mesyuarat Fakulti/Institusi, dokumen Permohonan Program (permohonan mengikut Garis Panduan Penulisan Program Akademik KPT, dokumen utama mengikut format COPPA MQA-01, dan dokumen sokongan yang meliputi minit Mesyuarat Fakulti dan laporan Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Program Baru hendaklah dihantar kepada Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (PJK). PJK bertanggungjawab menyemak kecukupan dokumen. Sekiranya tidak lengkap, PJK akan memulangkan semula kepada Fakulti untuk dilengkapkan.
11. Apakah kaitan program pengajian dan kelayakan yang diakreditkan dengan pendaftaran dalam Daftar Kelayakan Malaysia (Malaysian Qualifications Register, MQR)?
Mengikut Akta Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (Malaysian Qualifications Agency, MQA) 2007, semua program pengajian dan kelayakan yang telah diakreditkan oleh MQA akan didaftarkan dalam Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR). MQR merupakan daftar program yang diiktiraf oleh Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia.
12. Mengapakah perlu bagi sesuatu program pengajian untuk didaftarkan ke dalam MQR?
Keperluan sesuatu program pengajian didaftarkan ke dalam MQR adalah untuk:
- mengesahkan bahawa Program pengajian dan kelayakan tersebut telah melalui proses jaminan kualiti, iaitu ia selaras dengan standard dan kriteria yang ditetapkan dan mematuhi Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia (Malaysian Qualifications Framework, MQF);
- memudahkan pemindahan kredit;
- membolehkan pelajar melanjutkan pelajaran di institusi tempatan atau luar negara;
- membolehkan pelajar dipertimbangkan untuk pelantikan ke perkhidmatan awam; dan
- memudahkan pelajar mendapat bantuan kewangan.
13. Apakah bahan-bahan rujukan yang boleh membantu dalam penyediaan dokumen MQA-01?
Bahan-bahan rujukan yang boleh membantu dalam penyediaan dokumen MQA-01;
- Garis Pandun Penulisan Program Akademik Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
- Kod Amalan Akreditasi Program (COPPA)
- Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia (MQF): Titik Rujukan dan Persefahaman Bersama Tentang Kelayakan Pengajian Tinggi Di Malaysia
- Undang-Undang Malaysia Akta 679 (Akta Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia 2007)
14. Apakah maksud Penilaian Kendiri Program yang diperlukan dalam penyediaan dokumen MQA-02?
Penilaian Kendiri Program adalah satu perlakuan penilaian yang dikendalikan oleh Pemberi Pendidikan Tinggi (PPT) melalui jabatan yang berkenaan untuk memastikan sama ada sesuatu program telah mencapai standard kualiti bagi tujuan Akreditasi Penuh program.
15. Apakah instrumen yang boleh membantu dalam membuat penilaian kendiri program?
Penilaian Kendiri boleh dimulakan dengan menjalankan analisis jurang untuk setiap standard asas dan standard tinggi serta memberikan penarafan secara kuantitatif mengikut format yang disediakan oleh urus setia . Bagi pencapaian melebihi standard yang ditetapkan ia boleh dianggap sebagai kekuatan dan pencapaian yang lebih rendah daripada standard dikelaskan sebagai bidang yang memerlukan perhatian.
16. Apakah proses dan prosedur bagi cadangan program baru?
Proses dan prosedur pengurusan program pengajian baru adalah seperti berikut :
- Dekan/Pengarah menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Program Baru (JKPB) yang diketuai oleh Ketua Program/Ketua Jabatan untuk mengemukakan cadangan program pengajian baru (permohonan mengikut Garis Panduan Penulisan Program Akademik Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), Standard Program dan portfolio penilaian program mengikut format COPPA MQA-01) serta menyemak kelestarian, kerelevanan, isu, cabaran dan penilaian program.
- JKPB berhubung dengan Pusat Pembangunan Akademik (PPA) untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat semasa penyediaan dokumentasi dengan PPA bertanggungjawab memastikan dokumentasi tersebut memenuhi keperluan yang ditetapkan.
- Cadangan program pengajian baru yang telah lengkap dibawa ke Mesyuarat Fakulti/Institut yang dipengerusikan oleh Dekan/Pengarah yang bertanggungjawab menyemak penyediaan kemudahan, sumber manusia, kewangan dan lain-lain.
- Selepas cadangan program baru tersebut dipersetujui oleh Mesyuarat Fakulti, dokumen tersebut dihantar kepada Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (PJK).
- PJK bertanggungjawab menyemak kecukupan dokumen (permohonan mengikut Garis Panduan Penulisan Program Akademik KPM, dokumen utama mengikut format COPPA MQA-01, dan dokumen sokongan yang meliputi minit Mesyuarat Fakulti dan laporan Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Program Baru). Sekiranya tidak lengkap, PJK akan memulangkan semula kepada Fakulti untuk dilengkapkan.
- Jika dokumen lengkap, PJK melantik panel penilai.
- Panel penilai bertanggungjawab menyemak dokumen yang dihantar sama ada memenuhi keperluan COPPA, Standard Program dan Garis Panduan Penulisan Program Akademik (KPM). Sekiranya tidak memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan, panel penilai memaklumkan kepada PJK keperluan yang perlu dibuat penambahbaikan. Proses ini berulang sehingga kriteria tersebut dipenuhi dan panel penilai mengemukakan laporan untuk diserahkan kepada PJK.
- PJK mengemukakan laporan panel penilai kepada Jawatankuasa Perancangan dan Perkembangan Akademik (JPPA) untuk memperakukan cadangan program baru tersebut kepada Senat.
- JPPA bertindak sebagai pihak yang bertanggungjawab memperakukan cadangan program baru berdasarkan kepada laporan panel penilai. Jika tidak diperakukan, JPPA mengembalikan laporan tersebut kepada PJK untuk disemak semula oleh panel penilai.
- Setelah diperakukan oleh JPPA, cadangan program baru tersebut dikemukakan kepada Senat untuk kelulusan. Jika tidak diluluskan, Urus Setia Senat akan mengembalikan cadangan tersebut kepada PJK yang memaklumkan keputusan tersebut kepada JPPA.
- Apabila cadangan diluluskan oleh Senat, cadangan program baru tersebut akan dikemukakan kepada Lembaga Pengarah Universiti (LPU) untuk kelulusan peruntukan sumber manusia dan kewangan, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) untuk makluman dan MQA untuk pendaftaran ke dalam sistem “e-Semakan Kursus Pengajian”.
17. Apakah proses dan prosedur bagi semakan program sedia ada?
Proses dan prosedur pengurusan program pengajian sedia ada adalah seperti berikut:
- Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (PJK) mengenal pasti program akademik yang perlu disemak semula mengikut kitaran semakan program dan memaklumkan kepada Fakulti/Institut/Pusat untuk melaksanakan proses audit dan semakan program pengajian.
- Dekan melantik Jawatankuasa Semakan Program (JKSP) yang diketuai oleh Ketua Program/Ketua Jabatan menyemak keperluan penilaian dan semakan serta menyediakan Portfolio Penilaian Kendiri mengikut format COPPA MQA-02 atau kod amalan lain yang diluluskan untuk tujuan audit dan diserahkan kepada PJK bagi memastikan dokumen tersebut memenuhi keperluan yang ditetapkan.
- Fakulti/Institut/Pusat menghantar dokumen yang telah lengkap kepada PJK setelah mendapat pengesahan daripada PPA.
- PJK menyemak kecukupan dokumen yang juga meliputi dokumen sokongan seperti minit Mesyuarat Fakulti dan Laporan Jawatankuasa Kurikulum. Sekiranya tidak lengkap, dokumen tersebut dipulangkan semula kepada Fakulti/Institut untuk dilengkapkan.
- Jika dokumentasi tersebut telah lengkap, PJK akan melantik Panel Penilai.
- Penel penilai bertanggungjawab menyemak dokumen program bagi memastikan ia memenuhi keperluan COPPA atau kod amalan setara serta keperluan standard program. Jika tidak mencapai kehendak keperluan, Panel Penilai memaklumkan kepada PJK keperluan yang perlu dibuat penambahbaikan dan kepada Fakulti sebelum proses lawatan audit dijalankan.
- PJK/ Panel Penilai mengadakan perjumpaan dengan pengurusan Fakulti/Institut mengenai perancangan audit dan dokumen sokongan tambahan yang diperlukan.
- JKPP mengadakan lawatan audit ke Fakulti/Institut untuk tujuan penentusahan kandungan dan amalan yang dilaporkan di dalam dokumen yang dihantar serta pengenalpastian amalan baik dan syor untuk penambahbaikan.
- Setelah selesai lawatan audit, Panel Penilai akan mengemukakan draf laporan dan diserahkan kepada PJK yang akan memajukan laporan tersebut kepada Fakulti/Institut untuk mendapatkan maklum balas.
- Berdasarkan maklum balas yang diterima, Panel Penilai menyediakan Laporan Penilaian Program yang dikemukakan kepada Jawatankuasa Audit dan Penilaian Program Pengajian (JKAPPP) untuk diperakukan bagi pertimbangan Senat.
- Senat meneliti Laporan Penilaian Program dan mempertimbangkan buat keputusan untuk memberi kelulusan Akreditasi Penuh atau akreditasi bersyarat atau tidak meluluskan akreditasi. Kelulusan diberi berserta dengan:
- tahap penarafan program (skala 1-5),
- jangka masa kitaran untuk semakan akan datang (3-5 tahun), dan
- laporan tentang pujian, penegasan dan syor.
- Tertakluk kepada kelulusan Senat, maklumat program dihantar kepada MQA untuk kemasukan program baru ke dalam MQR atau pengemaskinian maklumat program sedia ada di dalam MQR.
- Fakulti/Institut merancang pelan tindakan dan melaksanakan penambahbaikan untuk syor dan penegasan seperti yang dicatatkan dalam Laporan Penilaian Program dengan diselenggara dan dipantau oleh PJK.
18. Apakah proses dan prosedur bagi akreditasi program professional?
Proses dan prosedur untuk pengurusan akreditasi program profesional:
- PJK memaklumkan kepada Fakulti/Institut keperluan untuk melaksanakan Akreditasi Program Profesional.
- Fakulti/Institut menghantar salinan dokumen yang disediakan untuk tujuan Akreditasi Program Profesional kepada PJK.
- Fakulti/Institut melaksanakan Akreditasi Program Profesional dengan MQA atau badan profesional berkaitan bagi bidang program yang dinilai dengan pemantauan oleh pihak PJK.
- Fakulti/Institut memaklumkan keputusan Akreditasi Program Profesional dan menghantar salinan laporan daripada MQA atau badan profesional berkaitan kepada PJK.
- Tertakluk kepada keputusan akreditasi, PJK mengemukakan untuk kelulusan Senat cadangan kemasukan maklumat program ke dalam MQR untuk program baru atau pengekalan dan pengemaskinian maklumat program untuk program sedia ada.
- Fakulti/Institut merancang pelan tindakan dan melaksanakan penambahbaikan untuk syor-syor yang dicatatkan dalam Laporan Akreditasi dengan dipantau dan diselenggara oleh PJK.
19. Di manakah saya boleh mendapatkan khidmat nasihat tentang penyediaan dokumen KPM dan MQA bagi program baru?
Khidmat nasihat tentang penyediaan dokumen KPM dan MQA bagi program baru boleh diperolehi daripada Pusat Jaminan Kualiti (PJK).
Audit and Benchmarking
- When will the evaluation for full accreditation of a programme start?
- What is evaluated during a Full Accreditation?
- How often should a revision of programme be done?
- Is there a Professional Programme Requirement status in Temporary Accreditation?
- What is meant by Full Accreditation?
- What is meant by Temporary Accreditation?
- What is meant by Self Accreditation?
- When was UKM awarded the status of Self- Accreditating Institution?
- Which programme review requires the format/documents to be in compliance?
- If a Centre of Responsibilities (PTJ) wants to offer a new programme, what does it need to do?
- What is the connection between a study programme and qualification accredited with registration in Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR)?
- Why is it necessary for a programme of study to be registered in MQR?
- What reference materials can assist in the preparation of MQA-01 documents?
- What is meant by Self Assessment Programme required in the preparation of MQA-02 documents?
- What instruments can assist in creating a self-assessed programme?
- What are the process and procedure for a proposal of a new programme?
- What are the process and procedure for a review of the existing programme?
- What are the process and procedure for a professional programme accreditation?
- Where can I get advice regarding MOE and MQA document preparation for a new programme?
1. When will the evaluation for full accreditation of a programme start?
The evaluation process for Full Accreditation of a programme begins when the first cohort of students of that programme enters their final year.
2. What is evaluated during a Full Accreditation?
According to international best practices , program accreditation process involves , among others , self-assessment and evaluation and preparation of the report by the panel of assessors. This assessment should be guided by a code of accreditation practice . For example, Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation ( COPPA ) , Malaysian Qualifications Agency ( MQA ) or similar . This process ends with an official certification by the authoritative body certifying accreditation programme.
3. How often should a revision of programme be done?
An institution with self-accreditation status should conduct a comprehensive review process for accredited programmes from time to time (eg, once every five years) to ensure that the quality of the programme can be improved.
4. Is there a Professional Programme Requirement status in Temporary Accreditation?
Just like any other programmes, all professional programmes require the approval of the Temporary Accreditation (Provisional Accreditation) of the Senate. However, all accredited professional programmes of Professional Bodies may continue to apply for ratification from the Senate for admission in the Malaysian Qualifications Register, subject to the approval of the accreditation program.
5. What is meant by Full Accreditation?
Full accreditation is an evaluation activity to ensure that the activities of teaching, learning, and all other activities related to a programme offered by a Higher Education Provider (HEP) has quality standards and meets the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.
6. What is meant by Temporary Accreditation?
Temporary Accreditation is an evaluation exercise to determine whether a programme has met the minimum quality requirements before being awarded Full Accreditation.
7. What is meant by Self Accreditation?
Self Accreditation is a status which entitles Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to accredit their own courses of study without obtaining the approval of Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) and only inform the MQA and MOE subject to continuous monitoring and institution audit by MQA. Nevertheless, the accreditation does not include a professional programme that still needs to be accredited and recognised by the relevant professional bodies.
8. When was UKM awarded the status of Self- Accreditating Institution?
UKM was awarded the status of Self-accrediting Institution on 29 April 2010.
9. Which programme review requires the format/document to be in compliance?
Format/document that must be followed for the purpose of a programme review is the Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) MQA-02.
10. If a faculty/institute wants to offer a new programme, what does it need to do?
After the proposed new programme is agreed upon by the Meeting of the Faculty / Institution, Programme application documents (application according to the MOHE Academic Programme Writing Guideline, the main document in accordance with COPPA MQA-01 format, and supporting documents including minutes of meetings of the Faculty and the New Programme Curriculum Committee report) must be sent to the Centre of Quality Assurance (CQA). CQA is responsible for reviewing the adequacy of the documents. If they are incomplete, the CQA will return them to the faculty for completion.
11. What is the connection between a study programme and qualification accredited with registration in Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR)?
Under the Act of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia , AKM) 2007, all study programmes and qualifications accredited by MQA will be registered in the Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR). MQR is a programme register recognised by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency.
12. Why is it necessary for a programme of study to be registered in MQR?
Requirements of a study programme enrolled into MQR is to:
- confirm that the study Programme and its qualification have been through a quality assurance process that is in line with the standards and criteria set and adhere to the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia, KKM) and facilitate the transfer of credits;
- enable students to pursue their studies in local or foreign institutions;
- enable students to be considered for appointment to the civil service; and
- facilitate student financial assistance.
13. What reference materials can assist in the preparation of MQA-01 documents?
Reference materials that can assist in the preparation of MQA-01 documents are:
- MOHE Academic Programme Writing Guideline
- Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA)
- Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF): Point of Reference and Mutual Understanding About Higher Education Qualification In Malaysia
- Malaysia Law Act 679 (Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007)
14. What is meant by Self Assessment Programme required in the preparation of MQA-02 documents?
A Programme Self-Assessment is an evaluation exercise conducted by the Higher Education Provider (HEP) through the department concerned to ascertain whether a program has achieved the quality standard for a programme Full Accreditation.
15. What instruments can help create a self-assessment program?
Self-assessment can be started by running a gap analysis for each of the basic standard and high standard as well as providing quantitative ratings in accordance with the format provided by the secretariat. To achieve beyond the standard set, it can be regarded as a strength and a lower performance than standard classified as an area that requires attention.
16. What are the process and procedure for a proposal of a new programme?
The processes and procedures of the new study program management are as follows :
- Dean/Director establishes a New Program Curriculum Committee (NPCC) led by Head of Programme / Head of Department to propose a new study programme (application according to Ministry of Higher Education Academic Programme Writing Guideline (MOE), Programme Standard and programme evaluation portfolio in accordance with COPPA format MQA -01), and reviewing sustainability, relevance, issues, challenges and programme evaluation.
- NPCC communicating with the Centre for Academic Development (CCA) for advice during the preparation of documentation with CCA is responsible for ensuring that the documentation meets the specified requirements.
- A proposed new study program that is complete is brought to the Meeting of the Faculty / Institute, chaired by the Dean / Director who is responsible for reviewing the provision of facilities, human resources, finance and others.
- After the proposed new programme is approved by the Faculty Meeting, the documents are sent to the Centre of Quality Assurance (CQA).
- CQA is responsible for reviewing the adequacy of the documents (application in accordance with the Ministry of Education Academic Programme Writing Guideline (MOE), the main document in accordance with COPPA MQA-01 format, and the supporting documents include minutes of meetings and the Faculty New Program Curriculum Committee report). If they are incomplete, the CQA will return them to the faculty to complete.
- If the documents are complete, CQA will appoint an evaluation panel.
- The panel is responsible for reviewing the documents submitted to ascertain whether they meet the requirements of COPPA, Standards and Academic Programme Writing Guideline (MOE). If they do not meet the specified criteria, the panel informs CQA areas to be improved. This process is repeated until the criteria are met and the evaluation panel submits a report to CQA.
- CQA submits the evaluation panel’s report to the Academic Planning and Development Committee(APDC) to certify and then advances the new program proposal to the Senate.
- APDC acts as the responsible party certifying new programme proposal based on the report of the evaluation panel. If it is not certified, APDC returns the report to CQA to be reviewed by the evaluation panel.
- Once certified by APDC, the new program proposal is submitted to the Senate for approval. If it is not approved, the Secretariat of the Senate will return the proposal to CQA who relays the decision to APDC.
- If the proposal is approved by the Senate, the proposed new program will be submitted to the Board of Directors of the University (UBB) for the approval of the allocation of human and financial resources, the Ministry of Education (MOE) for filing and MQA for registration in the “e-Course of Study Revision” system.
17. What are the process and procedure for a review of the existing programme?
The processes and procedures for the existing programme Management are as follows:
- Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA) identifies academic programmes that need to be reviewed in the cycle of programme review and notifies the Faculty / Institute / Centre to carry out the audit and review of program of study
- The Dean appoints Program Review Committee (PRC), chaired by the Head of Programme / Head of Department to review the assessment requirements and revision as well as preparing Self Assessment Portfolio in accordance with COPPA MQA-02 format or other approved code of practice for the purpose of audit and submitted to the CQA to ensure that they meet the requirements.
- The Faculty / Institute / Centre sends the completed documents to CQA after verification by PPA.
- The CQA reviews the adequacy of the documents which also include supporting documents such as minutes of meetings of the Faculty and Curriculum Committee Report. If they are incomplete, the documents are returned to the Faculty / Institute to to be completed.
- If the documentation is complete, CQA will appoint an evaluation Panel.
- The Evaluation Panel is responsible for reviewing programme documentation to ensure that it meets the requirements of COPPA or similar codes of practice and standards requirements of the program. If it does not fulfill the requirements, the Evaluation Panel informs CQA and the Faculty the requirements that need improvements before the audit process is carried out.
- The CQA/Evaluation Panel meets with the management of the Faculty / Institute regarding audit planning and additional supporting documents that are required.
- JKPP audit visits the Faculty / Institute for the purpose of verification of the content and practices reported in the documents submitted and the identification of good practices and recommendations for improvement.
- Based on the feedback received, the Assessment Panel provides Program Evaluation Report submitted to the Audit and Study Program Evaluation Committee (JKAPPP) in its recommendation for consideration by the Senate.
- After completion of the audit visit, the Evaluation Panel will submit its draft report to CQA who will advance the report to the Faculty / Institute for feedback.
- Based on the feedback received, the Evaluation Panel provides Programme Evaluation Report submitted to the Audit and Study Program Evaluation Committee (JKAPPP) to be ratified for consideration by the Senate.
- The Senate scrutinises the Program Evaluation Report and considers the decision to grant approval for Full Accreditation or conditional accreditation or not to approve the accreditation. Approval is given together with:
- the programme ratings (scale 1-5),
- period for the next review cycle (3-5 years), and
- statements about praise, affirmation and recommendations
- Subject to the approval of the Senate, the programme information is sent to the MQA for the entry of a new programme in MQR or updating existing programme information in MQR.
- The Faculty / Institute designs an action plan and carries out the improvement for the recommendations and confirmation as stated in the Programme Evaluation Report maintained and monitored by CQA.
18. What are the process and procedures for accreditation of a professional programme?
Processes and procedures for the accreditation of professional Programme Management are as follows:
- CQA notifies the Faculty / Institute the needs to implement the Professional Programme Accreditation.
- The Faculty / Institute sends a copy of the documents prepared for the Professional Programme Accreditation to CQA.
- The Faculty / Institute implement MQA Professional Programme Accreditation with MQA or with relevant professional bodies for the evaluated programme monitored by CQA.
- The Faculty / Institute informs the result of the Professional Programme Accreditation and sends a copy of the report from MQA or professional body related to CQA.
- Subject to the accreditation decision, the CQA submits for the approval of the Senate the proposed entry of the programme information in MQR for new programmes or retention and updating of information for existing programmes.
- The Faculty / Institute designs an action plan and carries out improvements for the recommendations listed in the Accreditation Report monitored and maintained by CQA.
19. Where can I get advice regarding MOE and MQA document preparation for a new programme?
Advice on the preparation of MOE documents and MQA for the new program can be obtained from the Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA).