[29/03/2021] Postgraduate Information Day 2021

We would like to congratulate everyone for being accepted as a new Postgraduate student at UKM. We sincerely feel that you have made the right choice to further your study here as we are offering high quality postgraduate academic programmes, supervised by experts in the respective research area and in a very conducive learning environment. The purpose of the event is to inform newly registered students of The UKM Graduate Centre activities, facilities available for you on campus and session with Vice-Chancellor UKM..

The details are as follows:


31 March 2021 (Wednesday)


9.45 a.m. – 12.00 p.m


Link ZOOM: https://ukm-edu-my.zoom.us/j/96196294832?pwd=TUVSdS9XL3JhS0x6UVY1UnpxVUs5QT09
Meeting ID      : 961 9629 4832
Passcode          : 104729

Facebook Pusat Siswazah UKM


Participant in the ZOOM platform are limited to 300 participants only. As such, we provide the link to Facebook Pusat Siswazah UKM and streaming will be activated as soon as the programme commences. The attendance link will also be provided at the Facebook Pusat Siswazah UKM comments’ section.

Thank you.