UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute

 Leading Institute in Molecular Medicine

The PRIME collaboration

The PRecision Medicine for Diabetic Individuals: A joint Malaysia-UK Effort (PRIME) research project is funded by the UK-Malaysia Joint Partnership for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) grant scheme awarded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) Newton-Ungku Omar Fund. This project is a collaborative effort between the UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI) and the University of Dundee (UK). The principal investigators are Prof.  Dr. Chim C Lang (University of Dundee) and Prof. Datuk Dr. A Rahman A Jamal (UMBI). The PRIME Partnership programme aims to develop interdisciplinary expertise and build partnerships amongst physician-scientists, genetic epidemiologists, big data analysts, machine learning scientists, and policymakers to cohesively deliver multi-level strategies to augment precision medicine for Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) in Malaysia. Read more…

Working Plans (WPs)

A Global Development Initiative

Establishment of an interdisciplinary research partnership between Dundee and Malaysia

PRIME Cohort

Establishment of the PRIME Cohort, to consolidate Malaysian’s clinical data and to compare it with Scotland’s

Southeast Asian Haplotype

Generation of Southeast Asian Haplotype via GWAS

A sub-study on the diabetic retina via digital retinal imaging
Combinatorial Analysis

A more accurate analysis using clinical, retinal, and genomic information

Translational and Evidence-based Research

Comparison of the outcomes between PRIME (Malaysia), GoDARTS (UK), and INSPIRED (India) cohorts, respectively


Webinar PRIME
PRIME Closeout Symposium


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