world renewable energy congress xxii
Show your support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and increase your organization’s visibility by becoming a sponsor at WREC2023 in the “Renewable Energy: Transition Towards a Carbon Free Future”

Conference sponsorship secretariat:


Solar Energy Research Institute
Research Complex Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor MALAYSIA.


For FuRTHER information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norasikin

Ar. Dr. Lim Chin Haw

ChM. Dr. Ubaidah Syafiq

SPONSORSHIP package opportunities

Show your support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and increase your organization’s visibility by becoming a sponsor at WREC2023 in the “Renewable Energy: Transition Towards a Carbon Free Future”. Sponsoring WREC2023 allows you to demonstrate your commitment and contribution to the energy transition from non-renewable fuels, which cause many forms of pollution and environmental degradation, to renewable resources. Sponsors are also eligible for tax exemption by the Malaysian Government. Below are the special packages for your selection; otherwise, you may select the other options in the commercial sponsorship list as well:


Commercial sponsorship opportunities exist to supplement the Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze packages in supporting the conference. Multiple sponsors may be appointed for each category, and the sponsors are eligible for tax exemption by the Malaysian Government. Please consider the following:

You can assist delegates from developing nations (from Least Developed Countries by United Nations) who have no access to funds for airfare (MYR 3,000) and registration fee (MYR 2,000). The sponsors will hand the mock cheque during the closing ceremony and receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer

Young researcher travel award MYR 7,000/award You can assist young researchers with funds for airfare (MYR 3,000), registration fee (MYR 2,000), and accommodation (MYR 2,000). In addition, the sponsors will hand the mock cheque during the closing ceremony and receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

The sponsors will be acknowledged during the closing ceremony and receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

The Conference welcome function will be a must-attend event for all delegates and exhibitors, as such, there will be a great chance to promote your organization or product. This sponsor includes a 3-minutes speech or a video advertisement (< 5 minutes) slot during the function, prominent signage for your organization, acknowledgement in the Conference program and other related promotional material. In addition, two (2) sponsor representatives will be invited to attend the function. The sponsors will receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer

Lunches are an ideal way to promote your organization at the conference. This sponsor includes distribution of your organization's brochure in the conference bag, your signage in a prominent spot, an acknowledgement in the Conference program, a formal acknowledgement at the lunch speech, and a 5-minutes speech or a video advertisement (< 10 minutes) slot. In addition, two (2) sponsor representatives will be invited to attend the lunch. Finally, the sponsors will receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

The Conference Gala dinner will be a prestigious event and ideal for promoting your organization. This sponsor includes the distribution of your organization's brochure in the conference bag, your signage in a prominent spot, an acknowledgement in the Conference program, a formal acknowledgement at the lunch speech, and a 5-minutes speech or a video advertisement (< 10 minutes) slot.

In addition, two (2) sponsor representatives will be invited to attend the lunch. The sponsors will receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer. The sponsors will receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

Sponsors may put their product advertisement (coloured) on the front (inside) or back of the conference program book. The sponsors will also receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

Sponsors may put a full-page, non-coloured product advertisement within the pages of the conference program book. The sponsors will also receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

Sponsors may put a half-page, non-coloured product advertisement within the pages of the conference program book. The sponsors will also receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

Sponsors may present a short (< 5 minutes) corporate video advertisement, provided by the sponsors themselves, in relevant breakout/break sessions. The sponsors will also receive a certificate/token of appreciation from the organizer.

EXHIBITION opportunities

Proudly demonstrate your organization’s projects, products, services, or technical expertise to the conference participants, that might be your potential key partners, clients, or interested government organizations. You can highlight things that made your organization one of the key players in the renewable energy industry as the choice for passive and environmentally friendly technologies continues to grow in this time of climate uncertainty. Exhibitors are eligible for tax exemption by the Malaysian Government. Please consider the following:

You will be provided with a 9 sqm area of floor space, walls, carpet, and lighting. In addition, an armchair, a waste paper basket, an information desk, a 13 A electrical power supply, and a fascia board with your organization’s name and booth number will also be supplied. You will also receive a complimentary website advertisement and two (2) person full access registration for the conference, including a welcome reception, lunches and tea breaks.

You will be provided with a 9 sqm area of floor space, walls, carpet, and lighting. In addition, an armchair, a waste paper basket, an information desk, a 13 A electrical power supply, and a fascia board with your organization’s name and booth number will also be supplied. You will also receive a complimentary website advertisement and one (1) person full access registration for the conference, including a welcome reception, lunches and tea breaks.

You will be provided with an exhibition desk with your organization’s name and booth number. In addition, you will also receive a complimentary website advertisement and one (1) person full access registration for the conference, including a welcome reception, lunches and tea breaks.


While sponsoring at the WREC2023 provides a major opportunity to network with your clients, peers and industry and a unique chance to stay up to date with the latest experiences in renewable energy from Malaysia and abroad, we are also happy to accommodate other exhibitions and advertisement options for you to participate and support our conference. These options are also eligible for tax exemption by the Malaysian Government. Feel free to contact us or visit our website, to discuss and create other supporting options.







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16-20 JULY 2023


Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)

Deadline for Early Bird Registration And Payment :

15 March 2023

Deadline for Young Researcher Travel Award

30 April 2023

Deadline for ACS Malaysia Travel Award Grant:

30 April 2023

Deadline for Registration, Payment, and Abstract Submission (for all presenting participants):

15 June 2023

Deadline for Registration as non-presenter:

5 July 2023

Deadline for full paper submission:

15 August 2023



WREC2023 is organized by Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and will be hosted at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC).


Conference Secretariat
Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA.

