Some interesting notes:
- Youtube, Twitter, Yahoo!, Disney, IBM, NASA, Instagram, Google.. big guys using python.
- They called Python the sweet baby..
- Guido Van Rossum created Python in the 90s… was working with Google and now with Dropbox.
- Watch TED .. a talk by Thomas Suarez problem now: lack of programmer.. Singapore – 6 months ago, they look for programmer but they cannot get enough so they went to Vietnam. Why Malaysia do not produce enough programmer? Solution: Start teaching kids to program as early as 8.
- IBM: Python code is often 3-5 times shorter than Java, 5-10 times shorter than C++.
- Free license; free learning resources; great communities; free repository (PyPi).
- Agility…?
- We need python for students.
- Python have 50,000 libraries…
- 7 billion people, only 2-3 million python programmer.
- Raspberry pi… ? a credit card size computer.
- Remember matlotlib.. numpy
- IBM: 80% of the data .. was created in the last 2 years.