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1.  AIMS AND FUNCTIONS: To foster the development of electron microscopy in all its aspects by supporting existing activities andstimulating new ones. In general the Committee should work through the member E.M. societies or organisations and in cooperation with The International Federation of Societies for Microscopy. The Committee shall function as an information centre and as a coordinator and promoter of specialised activities. In particular, there aims shall be pursued by:
(a)  coordinating the arrangements for future regional conference, schools, symposia, workshops and other activities;
(b)  supporting and initiating specialised meetings, symposia and workshops;
(c)  facilitating the attendance of scientists, particularly the young, at such meetings;
(d)  promoting the particular regional needs for the training of technical staff;
(e)  fostering the interchange of information. 

2.  COMPOSITION: One representative of the organisation (Society) of every member wishing to join this  Committee  and  situated  in
     the geographic area of the Asia-Pacific region in the broad sense

3.  OFFICE BEARERS: President, General Secretary and Two Executive members are elected for four years, by a meeting of  member
     representatives at an Asia-Pacific meeting, and shall take office on January 1 of the following year or earlier by mutual agreement. The
     former President automatically becomes the Vice-President. The executive is to include the President, the Vice-President, the General
     Secretary, two executive members, the organiser of the previous APMC meeting and the organiser of the next APMC meeting.

4.  MEETINGS: Meetings of the member representatives are held at the time of the International E.M. Congress and of the Asia-Pacific
     Conference. Observers may attend with the agreement of the Committee. 

5.  VOTINGS: In the meeting of the member representatives, each representative including the President and General Secretary  if  they
     are member representatives has one vote. In the event of votes being equal in number the President has the deciding vote, whether or 
     not the President is a member representative.


6. FINANCIAL REPORT AND FUTURE BUDGET: shall be presented by the General Secretary to each meeting of representatives. 

7.  FINANCIAL AND LEGAL LIABILITY: The Committee shall not have the power to commit its constituent members to any act or
     policy involving them in financial or legal liability.

     The items which are not listed here should be consulted to the IFSM constitution.   

1st September, 1986
Amended 3rd August, 1992
Amended 10th June, 2004
Amended 6th November, 2008