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With effect from 1st July 2016 onwards, all new submission will be subjected to 1500MYR publication fee once the paper is accepted for publication.


SAINS MALAYSIANA is published monthly by Penerbit UKM (twelve issues a year). It contains articles on Earth Sciences, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Physical Sciences. Articles are published in Malay or English.


The primary purpose of this journal is to act as a channel for the publication of research work undertaken at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as well as other institutions.

All correspondence pertaining to articles and related matters should be addressed to:




Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E. MALAYSIA

Tel: 603-89214917, Fax: 603-89256086




SAINS MALAYSIANA is indexed and abstracted in Clarivate Analytics (Science Citation Index Expanded/SciSearch®, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition), SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts, Google-Scholar, MyCite, Zentralblatt MATH and ASEAN Citation Index. The Impact Factor - JCR/SE 2023, IF = 0.7, Q3.

Last Updated: 24 July 2024