The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol
10 No 1 (2006): 157 – 168
K.T. Ng, Norrakiah*,
A.S. dan Babji, A.S.
Program Sains Makanan,
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kimia dan Teknologi Makanan, Fakulti Sains dan
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi,
43600, Selangor, Malaysia.
*Corresponding author:
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness
of garlic (Allium sativum)
and ginger (Zingiber officinale)
extracts on the quality of tuna sausage.
Extracts were obtained through ethanol extraction. Four treatments of tuna sausages consisting
of control tuna sausage (C), tuna sausage with 1200 ppm
garlic extract (T1), tuna sausage with 1400 ppm
ginger extract (T2) and tuna sausage with combination of garlic and ginger
extracts at 600 ppm: 700 ppm
(T3) were evaluated. Analysis
were carried out on samples that were stored in -18oC for 0, 2, 4 and 6
weeks. The yield of extract from garlic
was 2.47 % while the ginger extract yielded 2.90 %. Optimum concentrations of
extracts determined from ferric reduction test were applied in tuna
sausages. Garlic showed strong reducing
power at the optimum concentration of 1200 ppm while
ginger at 1400 ppm.
The TBA value of T1, T2 and T3 were lower than C throughout the storage.
Combination of garlic and ginger extracts showed synergistic effect in delaying
lipid oxidation. Addition of the garlic and ginger extracts into the sausages
did not cause significant (p>0.05) changes in colour,
pH and texture. Sensory evaluation
showed T2 was less acceptable.
Keywords: garlic, ginger, extract, tuna sausage
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