The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 10 No 2 (2006): 303 – 312






Arba’at Hassan


Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor


Corresponding author:



This paper analyzed the primary school teachers’ attitudes on the importance of environmental education goal levels in Sabah. One hundred and eighty questionnaires were distributed.   The data were  analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Majority of the teachers’ attitudes indicated that all fifteen environmental goal statements were important. The mean responses to the importance of goals ranged from "the moderate" (4.27) to “the complete extent" (4.63). Goal statement 11 (investigation and evaluation processes), included 12 sub-goal statements, received the grand mean of 4.32.  Recommendations  included a need to incorporate goals in schools’ curriculum and provide training courses.


Keywords:  environmental education, man and the environment



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