Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 1 (2015): 97 – 105




Oleic Acid based Polyesters of Trimethylolpropane and Pentaerythritol for Biolubricant Application


(Poliester Berasaskan Trimetilolpropana dan Pentaeritritol dengan Asid Oleik untuk Kegunaan Biopelincir)


Hamizah Ammarah Mahmud, Nadia Salih, Jumat Salimon*


School of Science and Food Technology,

Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:




The production of polyesters based on oleic acid and trimethylolpropane (TMP) or pentaerythritol (PE) as potential biolubricant were carried out. The esterification processes between oleic acid with TMP or PE were carried out using sulfuric acid as a catalyst.  The esterification process produced high yield between 92%-94% w/w respectively. The formation of polyesters was confirmed using gas chromatography (GC-FID), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). The polyesters were analyzed for basic lubrication physicochemical properties.  The results showed that polyesters of both TMP and PE having high viscosity index between 200-309, good pour points ranging from -42°C to -59°C and high flash points of 280°C - 300 °C respectively. The polyesters also showed good thermal oxidative stability with TGA onset temperatures above 180 °C. In general both products are plausible to be used as biolubricant for industrial application.


Keywords: esterification, oleic acid, pentaerythritol, polyhydric alcohol, trimethylolpropane



Penghasilan poliester berasaskan asid oleik dan trimetilolpropana  (TMP) atau pentaeritritol (PE) sebagai biopelincir yang berpotensi telah dijalankan. Proses pengesteran asid oleik diantara TMP atau PE menggunakan mangkin asid sulfurik.  Sebanyak 92-94 % w/w hasil daripada pengesteran berjaya dihasilakan. Pengesahan dan pengecaman poliester adalah menggunakan Gas Kromatografi(GC-FID), Spektroskopi Inframerah Fourier Transform (FTIR) dan Resonan Magnetik Nuklear (1H NMR dan 13C NMR ). Ujian asas fisiko-kimia sifat pelinciran telah dijalankan keatas poliester. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kedua-dua poliester TMP dan PE mempunyai indeks kelikatan yang tinggi 200-309, takat tuang yang baik dari julat suhu dari -42°C  kepada -59°C; takat kilat yang tinggi 280°C - >300 °C. Kesemua poliol ester menunjukkan kestabilan oksidatif termal  yang bagus dimana suhu onset TGA melebihi 180 °C. Secara umumnya kedua hasil adalah munasabah untuk digunakan sebagai biopelincir dalam aplikasi perindustrian.


Kata kunci: pengesteran, asid oleik, pentaeritritol, polihidrik alkohol, trimetilolpropana



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