Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 1 (2015): 46 – 54






(Kaedah Analatikal bagi Penentuan Monosakarida daripada Serabut Sawit Terawat Alkali)


Khairiah Haji Badri1,2*, Cheah Ai Juan1, Osman Hassan1,2,  Wan Aida Wan Mustapha1


1School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology

2Polymer Research Center

Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:




Monosaccharides in oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber (EFB) were determined by methanolysis and acetylation. Three types of EFB samples, namely untreated EFB, EFB pretreated with hot water and EFB pretreated with hot water followed by 10% (w/w) sodium hydroxide (NaOH) aqueous solution were used. The FTIR spectrum indicated the disappearance and shifting of aromatic and carbonyl functional groups, syringyl propane unit, guaisacyl propane unit and C-H lignin. The filter cake undergone methanolysis and alditol acetate treatments to detect the composition of reducing sugars. Gas chromatography flame ionization detector (GC-FID) analysis was conducted to determine the type and quantity of reducing sugars produced. Acetylation produced two types of monosaccharides namely glucose and galactose whereas methanolysis detected only one type of monosaccharide, which was xylose. The extracted monosaccharides obtained from hot water pretreatment followed by 10 % (w/w) NaOH aqueous solution treatment analysed by methanolysis and acetylation were 178.4 mg/g xylose and 29.9 mg/g glucose respectively. About 0.76 mg/g xylose was extracted from hot water pretreated EFB fiber by methanolysis. Acetylation detected monosaccharides in untreated EFB and identified as glucose with the amount of 19.15 mg/g, whereas monosaccharides from hot water pretreated EFB fiber were identified as glucose and galactose at 6.32 mg/g and 2.83 mg/g respectively.


Keywords: acetylation, alditol acetate, empty fruit bunch fiber, methanolysis, monosaccharides



Monosakarida di dalam serabut tandan kosong sawit (EFB) ditentukan melalui metanolisis dan pengasetilan. Tiga jenis EFB digunakan iaitu EFB tanpa rawatan, EFB prarawat air panas dan EFB prarawat air panas diikuti 10% (w/w) larutan akueus natrium hidroksida (NaOH). Spektrum FTIR menunjukkan kehilangan dan anjakan kumpulan berfungsi aromatik dan karbonil, Spektrum FTIR menunjukkan kehilangan dan anjakan nombor gelombang bagi puncak gelang aromatik, karbonil, unit siringil propana dan unit guaisasil propana dan C-H lignin. Kek turasan menjalani metanolisis dan pengasetilan untuk memperoleh gula terturun. Kromatografi gas pengesan nyalaan ion (GC-FID) digunakan untuk menentukan jenis dan kuantiti gula terturun yang dihasilkan. Analisis pengasetilan mengenalpasti dua jenis monosakarida iaitu glukosa dan galaktosa, manakala metanolisis hanya xilosa. Monosakarida terekstrak daripada serabut EFB terawat air panas diikuti larutan akues NaOH 10 % (w/w) yang diperoleh daripada analisis metanolisis dan pengasetilan masing-masing adalah 178.4 mg/g xilosa dan 29.9 mg/g glukosa. Sebanyak 0.76 mg/g xilosa ditentukan daripada EFB prarawat air panas melalui metanolisis. Pengasetilan menunjukkan monosakarida yang ditentukan di dalam EFB tanpa rawatan ialah glukosa dengan amaun 19.15 mg/g manakala EFB prarawat air panas mengandungi glukosa dan galaktosa masing-masing 6.32 mg/g dan 2.83 mg/g.


Kata kunci: pengasetilan. alditol asetat, tandan kosong sawit, metanolisis, monosakarida



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