Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 1 (2015): 65 – 70






(Kesan Suhu Dalam Proses Pengkalsinan Kulit Kerang)


Nurfatirah Nordin1, Zainab Hamzah1*, Othman Hashim1, Farizul Hafiz Kasim2, Rozaini Abdullah1


1Faculty Engineering Technology (FETech),

Universiti Malaysia Perlis,

Aras 1 Blok S2, Kampus UniCITI Alam, Sungai Chuchuh, Padang Besar 02100 Perlis, Malaysia

 2School of Bioprocess Engineering,

Universiti Malaysia Perlis,

Kompleks Pengajian Jejawi 3, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia.


*Corresponding author:




Catalyst affects the rate of chemical reactions but emerges from the process unchanged. In this study calcium oxide (CaO) from seashell is used as catalyst in altering the products obtained from pyrolysis. CaO can be synthesized from natural calcium carbonate (CaCO3) source, such as seashell, through the calcination process. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of temperature in the calcination process of seashell. Calcinated CaO from seashell were analysed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analyser (EDX). There was a significant relationship observed between structural properties of calcinated CaO and temperature. It was also found that by increasing the temperature in the calcination process resulted in an increase in weight of CaO. Seashell calcined at 800˚C gave a higher amount of CaO compared to a calcination temperature of 700˚C and 900˚C. Therefore, 800˚C seems to be an optimum temperature for calcination of seashell. The presence of a CaO catalyst increased the bio-oil production in the pyrolysis of empty fruit bunches (EFB) from 33.4% to 45.6%.


Keywords: seashell, calcination, calcium oxide (CaO), and calcium carbonate (CaCO3)



Kalsium oksida (CaO) adalah pemangkin yang berkesan dalam mengubah produk daripada pirolisis. CaO boleh disintesis daripada sumber kalsium karbonat semula jadi (CaCO3), seperti kerang, melalui proses pengkalsinan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan suhu dalam proses pengkalsinan bagi kerang. CaO yang telah dikalsinkan daripada kerang telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan mikroskop imbasan elektron (SEM), tenaga serakan X-ray analyzer (EDX), termo analisis gravimetrik (TGA) dan sinar-X pendarfluor (XRF). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan diperhatikan di antara sifat-sifat struktur calcinated CaO dan suhu. Ia juga mendapati bahawa dengan meningkatkan suhu dalam proses pengkalsinan akan menyebabkan peningkatan berat peratusan CaO. Ini menunjukkan bahawa dengan peningkatan suhu semasa proses pengkalsinan kesan pemangkin kerang akan lebih cekap semasa proses pirolisis. Kerang yang dikalsinkan pada 800˚C memberikan jumlah yang lebih tinggi berbanding  suhu  700˚C dan 900˚C. Oleh itu, suhu 800˚C adalah suhu optimum untuk pembentukan CaO. Kehadiran pemangkin CaO meningkatkan pengeluaran bio minyak pirolisis buah tandan kosong (EFB) daripada 33.4% sehingga 45.6%.


Kata kunci: kulit kerang, pengkalsinan, kalsium oksida and kalsium karbonat



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