Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 2 (2015): 397 – 401




forensic analysis of BLUE ballpoint pen inks USING ultraviolet-visible spectrometer and ultra-performance liquid chromatograph


(Analisis Forensik Pen Mata Bulat Dakwat Biru Menggunakan Spektrometer Ultralembayung-Nampak dan Kromatografi Cecair Berprestasi Ultra)


Loong Chuen Lee*, Karldiv Tarvin Singh Shandu, Nor Syahirah Mohamad Razi, Ab Aziz Ishak,

Khairul Osman


Forensic Science Program, School of Diagnostic & Applied Health Sciences,

Faculty of Health Sciences,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 7 January 2015; Accepted: 25 February 2015




Twelve varieties of blue ballpoint pens were selected and analyzed using UV-Vis spectrometer and ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). The aim of the study was to determine discrimination power (DP) of these methods in differentiating pen inks collected from the market in Malaysia. Discrimination analysis of 66 possible pen-pair of blue ballpoint pens was carried out via one-way ANOVA based on obtained chromatogram and spectra. A total of 18 peaks were determined as coming from inks based on the chromatographic data extracted at three different wavelengths (279, 370 and 400 nm). While for the UV-Vis spectrometer analysis, presence of peaks at 303, 545, 577 and 584 nm wavelengths were recorded. UV-Vis spectral data were mainly produced by the colorant components (i.e., dyes) found in inks and UPLC may detect ink components other than dyes, i.e., additives. As conclusion, the DP for UV-Vis and UPLC were determined to be 72.12% and 98.48%, respectively. This manuscript demonstrates the potential of UPLC for discriminating pen inks based on non-dye components. Additionally, the dye components in inks do not seem to play important role in discrimination of pen inks.


Keywords: forensic ink analysis, ballpoint pen inks, UV-Vis spectrometer, ultra-performance liquid chromatography, discrimination power



Dua belas jenis pen mata bulat biru yang terpilih telah dianalisis menggunakan spektrometer Ultralembayung-Nampak dan kromatografi cecair berprestasi ultra. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan kuasa pembezalayanan kaedah tersebut dalam membezalayan dakwat pen yang dikumpulkan dari pasaran di Malaysia. Analisis pembezalayan terhadap 66 pasangan pen mata bulat biru telah dijalankan melalui ANOVA sehala berdasarkan kromatogram dan spektrum yang diperolehi. Sejumlah 18 puncak telah ditentukan adalah berasal dari dakwat berdasarkan data kromtogram yang diekstrak pada tiga panjang gelombang yang berlainan (279, 370 and 400 nm). Manakala untuk analisis spektrometer UV-Nampak, kehadiran puncak pada panjang gelombang 303, 545, 577 and 584 nm telah direkodkan. Data spektra UV-Nampak adalah dihasilkan terutamanya dari komponen pewarna, i.e. pewarna. yang dijumpai dalam dakwat dan UPLC besar kemungkinnya mengesan komponen dakwat selain daripada pewarna, i.e., bahan tambah. Sebagai kesimpulan, kuasa pembezalayan bagi UV-Nampak dan UPLC masing-masing telah ditentukan sebagai 72.12% and 98.48%. Manuskrip ini mendemonstrasikan potensi UPLC untuk membezalayan dakwat pen berdasarkan komponen bukan-pewarna. Tambahan, komponen pewarna dalam dakwat tidak kelihatan memain peranan penting dalam pembezalayan dakwat pen.


Kata kunci:    analisis dakwat forensik, dakwat pen mata bulat, spektrometer UV-Nampak, kromatografi cecair prestasi ultra, kuasa pembezalayan



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