Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 4 (2015): 692 - 706






(Pengenalan Corak Kehadiran dan Taburan Racun Perosak Organoklorin di dalam Sedimen Cameron Highlands, Malaysia)


Md Pauzi Abdullah1,2*,  Naghmeh Saadati1,3, Wan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd Khalik1, Zuriati Zakaria4


1School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology,

2Centre for Water Research and Analysis (ALIR),

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

3Water, Soil and Sediment Laboratories Center,

Khuzestan Water and Power Authority, Ahvaz, Iran

4Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia International Campus, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 10 July 2015; Accepted: 26 July 2015




This study aimed to assess the environmental situation of 18 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), of which some are members of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the sediment of an intensive agriculture area as well as popular tourism destination of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. A total of 56 surface sediment samples were collected at eight selected sampling points along the two main rivers in the area namely Telom and Bertam Rivers during the dry and wet seasons in 2011. The OCPs levels detected were between 0.41 – 82.16 (mean of 21.33±18.54) ng/g of dry weight. A total of 15 OCPs namely 4,4' DDT, 4,4' DDD, 4,4' DDE, γ-HCH, β- HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endosulfan I, endosulfan II endosulfan sulfate, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide were detected in all sediment samples. Multivariate analysis of the 15 detected OCPs with respect to the type of land-use shows that endosulfan I was found around the tea plantation areas; γ–HCH was found near vegetable plantation areas; 4,4’ DDE and aldrin were found near  Blue Valley station; and endrin, heptachlor, 4,4’ DDD, 4,4’ DDT, and heptachlor epoxide were found in the nearby villages. Four clusters (C1; 1, C2; 1, C3; 2 and C4; 4 stations) were generated using a cluster analysis method. Four latent factors (74.36 % of total variance) were identified by principle component and factor analysis method. Three classifications namely tea plantations, vegetable plantations, and villages provide 83.90 % of the composition pattern of 15 OCPs, whereas 3 OCPs are significant components in discriminating organochlorine pesticides contamination detected in sediment samples. Pollutants seemed to enter the river through the run-off from agricultural areas and villages. HCH isomer (β–HCH) was mostly found in the downstream stations of the rivers.


Keywords: chemometric, environmental quality, multivariate analysis, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), sediment



Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan menilai persekitaran 18 racun perosak organoklorin (OCPs), di mana sebahagiannya adalah pencemar organik kekal (POPs) wujud di dalam sedimen dari kawasan pertanian intensif serta destinasi pelancongan popular iaitu Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Sejumlah 56 sampel sedimen permukaan dikumpul dari lapan titik persampelan terpilih di sepanjang dua sungai utama iaitu Sungai Telom dan Sungai Bertam semasa musim kering dan basah pada tahun 2011. Aras kandungan OCPs dikesan antara julat 0.41 – 82.16 (min 21.33 ± 18.54) ng/g berat kering. Sejumlah 15 OCPs iaitu 4,4' DDT, 4,4' DDD, 4,4' DDE, γ-HCH, β- HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endosulfan I, endosulfan II endosulfan sulfat, heptaklor dan heptaklor epoksida dikesan dalam semua sampel sedimen. Analisis multivariat terhadap 15 OCPs yang dikesan menunjukkan bahawa endosulfan I ditemui di sekitar kawasan ladang teh; γ-HCH ditemui berhampiran kawasan ladang sayur-sayuran; 4,4' DDE dan aldrin ditemui berhampiran stesen Blue Valley; dan endrin, heptaklor, 4,4' DDD, 4,4' DDT, dan heptaklor epoksida ditemui di kampung – kampung yang berhampiran.  Empat kluster (C1; 1, C2; 1, C3; 2 dan C4; 4 stesen) telah dibentuk dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kelompok. Empat faktor utama (74.36 % daripada jumlah varians) telah dikenal pasti melalui kaedah analisis komponen utama dan analisis faktor. Tiga klasifikasi pengaruh iaitu ladang teh, ladang sayur-sayuran dan kampung-kampung telah menjelaskan 83.90 % corak komposisi 15 OCPs, manakala 3 jenis OCPs merupakan komponen penting dalam membezakan pencemaran racun perosak organoklorin yang dikesan di dalam sampel sedimen. Bahan pencemar cenderung masuk ke dalam sungai melalui air larian dari kawasan pertanian dan kampung-kampung. Isomer HCH (β-HCH) paling kerap ditemui di stesen – stesen hiliran sungai.


Kata kunci: kimometrik, kualiti alam sekitar, analisis multivariat, pencemar organik kekal (POPs), sedimen



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