Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 5 (2015): 1120 - 1130






(Tempoh Peralihan Nutrisi di Peringkat Awal Larva Clarias gariepinus)


Nguang Siew Ing* and Ha Hou Chew


Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,

Tembila Campus, 22200 Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 14 April 2015; Accepted: 9 July 2015




The nutritional transition period of Clarias gariepinus were described based on the early development from hatching to 120 hours after hatching (hAH) reared at 27.5-28.6oC. Newly hatched larvae had a large greenish yolk sac volume (0.99+0.31 mm3) located below a straight undeveloped digestive tract, mouth not opened, eyes unpigmented and the larvae lie on the bottom of rearing tank. During endogenous feeding period, the larval feeding system has developed rapidly with development oesophagus. Yolk sac were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding (36 hAH, 0.19±0.11 mm3), and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 68 hAH when yolk was completely exhausted. Yolk sac volume was significantly different by time at hatching, 6, 12 and 18 to 36 hAH (ANOVA, P<0.05). At 36 hAH, the larvae commenced feeding once morphologically developed with opened anus, functional jaw and intestine, and demonstrated horizontally swimming. The rudimentary chemoreceptors like olfactory organs and taste buds that were found on the barbels and oral cavity assisted in food detection and commenced feeding without vision. Due to the cannibalistic behaviour at early stage, feed are suggested to be provided during 36 hAH and avoided delay feeding in the larval rearing.


Keywords: behaviour, Clarias gariepinus, early larval development, morphogenesis, nutritional transition period, sensory  organs



Tempoh transisi pemakanan Clarias gariepinus diterangkan berdasarkan perkembangan awal iaitu daripada peringkat penetasan sehingga 120 jam selepas penetasan (jST) di bawah ternakan pada suhu 27.5-28.6ᵒC. Larva-larva ikan yang baru menetas ini mempunyai yolk-sec besar (0.99+0.31 mm3) yang kehijauan dan terletak di bawah saluran pencernaan lurus yang belum berkembang, mulutnya tidak terbuka, matanya tidak berpigmen serta terbaring sahaja di bahagian bawah tangki ikan. Sepanjang tempoh pakan endogen, sistem pemakanan larva-larva ikan tersebut berkembang pesat dengan esofagusnya. Yolk-sec didapati tidak diserap sepenuhnya pada permulaan pakan eksogen (36 jST, 0.19 ± 0.11 mm3), dan tempoh pemakanan campuran ini diperhatikan berlansung sehingga 68 jST. Isipadu yolk-sec didapati berbeza secara ketara sebagaimana umur meningkat, iaitu pada peringkat penetasan, 6, 12 dan 18 hingga 36 jST (ANOVA, P <0.05). Pada 36 jST, larva-larva ikan diperhatikan bermula makan sebaik sahaja morfologinya berkembang di mana anus terbuka, rahang dan usus berfungsi, dan berenang secara horizontal. Reseptor kimia asas seperti organ olfaktori dan tunas rasa didapati pada sesungut dan rongga mulut larva-larva ikan membantunya mengesan makanan dalam air serta makan tanpa menggunakan penglihatan. Disebabkan oleh tingkahlaku karnibalistik pada peringkat awal, makanan larva-larva ikan ini dicadangkan agar diberi semasa 36 jST dan mengelakkan daripada kelewatan memberi makanan sepanjang penternakan ikan.


Kata kunci: tingkahlaku, Clarias gariepinus, perkembangan awal larva, morfogenesis, tempoh transisi pemakanan, organ deria



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