Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 22 No 5 (2018): 794 - 806
Bioaccessibility Assessment
of 232Th and 238U
from Lanthanide Concentrate and Water Leach Purification Residue in Malaysia
Bio-Kebolehcapaian bagi 232Th Dan 238U dalam Lantanida Pekat dan
Residu Permurnian Larut Resap Air di Malaysia)
Shahidah Abdul Rashid1*, Um Wooyong1, Yasmin Mohd Idris
Perama2, Amran Ab.Majid2, Khoo Kok Siong2
1Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering,
Pohang University of Science and
Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea
2School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author :
Received: 28
September 2017; Accepted: 11 August 2018
The aim of this case study was to estimate the
bioaccessibility of 232Th and 238U from
lanthanide concentrate (LC) and water leach purification (WLP) residue of Lynas
Advanced Materials Plant by analysing the solubility of these radionuclides in
synthetic gastrointestinal fluids. A DIN in
vitro bioaccessibility method was applied to determine the targeted
radionuclides from the LC and WLP residue, which were further evaluated through
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 232Th and 238U
concentrations in the gastrointestinal fluids portrayed the maximum amount of
contaminants that were potentially available for intestinal absorption and
transfer into the blood. The maximum concentrations of 232Th in the LC and WLP residue
were 0.1410 ± 0.0331 mg kg-1 and 0.1621 ± 0.1190 mg kg-1,
respectively. As for 238U in the LC and WLP residue during the
intestinal phase for high-risk cases, the maximum concentrations were 0.0558 ±
0.0164 mg kg-1 and 0.0480 ± 0.0213 mg kg-1, respectively.
The maximum bioaccessibility of 232Th and 238U was 0.14 % and
0.93 %, respectively. Based on the assessment, the committed equivalent dose
and committed effective dose of 232Th and 238U were below the United Nations
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation reference values. Overall, the DIN in vitro bioaccessibility method is feasible to estimate the
solubility of 232Th and 238U from LC and WLP residue, and
is also useful for monitoring and risk assessment purposes for environmental,
health, and contaminated samples.
Keywords: bioaccessibility, thorium, uranium, lanthanide
concentrate, water leach purification
Tujuan kajian ini ialah mengkaji bio-kebolehcapaian 232Th
dan 238U dari sampel lantanida pekat (LC) dan residu pemurnian larut
resap air (WLP) yang terdapat di loji bahan termaju Lynas, dengan kaedah
penentuan melalui kebolehlarutan radionuklid tersebut di dalam cecair sintetik
gastrousus. Sampel
LC dan residu WLP telah menjalani teknik bio-kebolehcapaian in vitro DIN, dan
seterusnya sampel dianalisis menggunakan Spektrometer
Jisim-Gandingan Plasma Teraruh. Kepekatan 232Th dan 238U
dalam cecair gastrousus mewakili jumlah maksimum pencemaran radionuklid yang
berpotensi diserap ke dalam badan melalui usus dan berpindah ke dalam darah.
Kepekatan maksimum 232Th dalam LC dan
residu WLP ialah 0.1410 ± 0.0331 mg kg-1 dan 0.1621 ± 0.1190 mg kg-1.
Bagi 238U dalam LC dan residu WLP
semasa fasa usus bagi kes berisiko tinggi ialah 0.0558 ±
0.0164 mg kg-1 dan 0.0480 ± 0.0213 mg kg-1. Nilai
bio-kebolehcapaian maksimum bagi 232Th dan 238U ialah 0.14% dan 0.93%. Berdasarkan kajian, dos komited setara dan dos
komited berkesan bagi 232Th dan 238U adalah di
bawah nilai rujukan United Nations
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Kesimpulannya,
teknik bio-kebolehcapaian in vitro DIN
sangat berguna untuk menganggar kelarutan 232Th dan 238U
bagi tujuan pemantauan berterusan dan penilaian risiko terhadap alam sekitar,
kesihatan manusia, dan sampel tercemar.
Kata kunci: bio-kebolehcapaian, torium, uranium, lantanida
pekat, permurnian larut resap
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