Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 22 No 6 (2018): 1007 - 1013

DOI: 10.17576/mjas-2018-2206-10






 (Gabungan Rawatan Mekanik-Kimia ke atas Gentian Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit untuk Penjerapan Metilena Biru dalam Larutan Akues)


Chee Mun Chan1, Siew Xian Chin1,2*, Soon Wei Chook2, Chin Hua Chia2, Sarani Zakaria2


1ASASIpintar Programme UKM, Pusat Permata Pintar Negara

2Bioreousrces and Biorefinery Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 27 July 2017; Accepted: 28 April 2018




The effectiveness of combined mechanical-chemical pre-treatment on oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers in removing organic dye from aqueous solution was studied. The efficiency of dye adsorption in aqueous solution using natural fibers is generally affected by several factors, such as pH, temperature, and the concentration of dye. However, the effect of the size of the fibers (adsorbent) has rarely been investigated. Prior to any MB adsorption process, mechanical-chemical pre-treatment was performed on EFB fibers via a high-shear process using a Silverson mixer. Shearing duration and the introduction of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) influenced the rate of adsorption, due to the changes in fiber size and accessible surface after the treatment process. From these results, it was found that smaller EFB fibers enhanced the rate and adsorption capacity of MB. However, this was not a linear relationship, as the rate of adsorption decreased when the shearing duration was prolonged to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, treatment with 0.1 M NaOH also improved the adsorption performance of the fibers. Hence, combined mechanical-chemical pre-treatment of EFB fibers can increase the adsorption rate and capacity of the fibers. This study may provide useful information on a practical pre-treatment approach for natural fibers as dye adsorbent in wastewater treatment.


Keywords:  adsorption, oil palm empty fruit bunch fibres, methylene blue, pre-treatment



Keberkesanan proses pra-rawatan gabungan mekanik-kimia ke atas gentian tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) untuk penyingkiran pewaran organik telah dikaji. Kajian lepas membuktikan bahawa tahap keberkesanan proses penjerapan pewarna dalam larutan akues adalah bergantung pada beberapa faktor penting, seperti suhu, keasidan dan kepekatan pewarna. Namun, faktor saiz gentian (bahan jerapan) dalam proses penjerapan jarang dikaji. Sebelum proses penjerapan, pra-rawatan secara mekanik-kimia telah dilakukan pada gentian TKKS dengan menggunakan pengacau Silverson. Didapati bahawa jangka masa pra-rawatan yang berbeza dan penambahan NaOH akan mempengaruhi kadar penjerapan MB ekoran daripada perubahan saiz dan permukaan terdedah gentian selepas proses pra-rawatan. Malahan, saiz gentian TKKS yang lebih kecil berupaya untuk meningkatkan kadar dan kapasiti penjerapan MB. Akan tetapi, keputusan kajian ini adalah tidak linear kerana kadar penjerapan gentian TKKS didapati menurun apabila masa pra-rawatan mekanikal dipanjangkan 30 minit dan ke atas. Sehubungan itu, modifikasi gentian TKKS dengan menggunakan 0.1 M NaOH dapat meningkatkan prestasi kadar dan kapasiti penjerapan MB. Kesimpulannya, pra-rawatan gabungan mekanik-kimia terhadap gentian TKKS dapat meningkatkan kadar dan kapasiti gentian. Kajian ini dapat memberi maklumat penting bagi kaedah pra-rawatan yang praktikal kepada gentian semula jadi sebagai bahan penjerap pewarna dalam rawatan air buangan.


Kata kunci:  penjerapan, gentian tandan kosong kelapa sawit, metilena biru, pra-rawatan



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