

The Research Group on Climate Change and Adaptation (Perubahan Iklim dan Adaptasi; UKM-OUP-PI-25-114/2010) supports the aims of the Climate Change Research Niche that seeks to establish UKM as the custodian of knowledge and reference centre for climate change, with capability to influence policy and decision making at all levels.

Many developed countries are now preparing adaptation measures by undertaking a comprehensive review of existing human systems (i.e. landuse systems, planning and economic instruments, institutional arrangements, social exposure and risk reduction, etc.) to identify new policy tools and approaches for adaptation. They are also consolidating basic information on the status of their natural systems including availability of natural resources (such as water, land, forests, biodiversity and mineral resources, among others) and resilience of ecological processes in anticipation of the projected impacts of climate change on these systems.

The Research Group focuses on identifying Policy Responses and developing an Inventory for Adaptation, with emphasis on the following five themes:-

  1. Climate Change Policy Responses and National Security;
  2. Climate Change and Resource Sustainability;
  3. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction;
  4. Climate Change and Public Health; and
  5. Climate Change Education and Community Participation

The theme on Climate Change Policy Responses and National Security is essentially focused on understanding existing human systems with a view to modify them to addresses the question of “What can be done to adapt to future climatic conditions?” It is integrative in nature, involving planners, economists, lawyers as well as physical, biological and social scientists. The theme also emphasizes international drivers in the form of multi-lateral environmental agreements. Ongoing projects include reviews of policy, planning and economic instruments as well as socio-economic analysis in balancing adaptation and mitigation. The theme on Climate Change Education and Community Participation supports the work on identifying effective policy responses to address climate change in the country through capacity building and stakeholder participation.

In developing an Inventory for Adaptation, the emphasis is on supply and accessibility (security) as well as capacity where existing basic information on natural resources and ecological processes is reviewed to predict the impacts of climate change on their continuous availability and quality, to support life, societal well-being and sustainable development. It essentially addresses the question of “Which are the critical areas that require action?” where issues need to be prioritized based on multidisciplinary scientific inputs. Three themes are dedicated to this i.e. Climate Change and Resource Sustainability; Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction; and Climate Change and Public Health.

The Research Projects conducted by members of the group are focused around the five themes mentioned above. All members of the Research Group are co-opted into the Malaysian Research Network for Climate, Environment and Development (MyCLIMATE), which is dedicated to make a positive difference to humanity in addressing the challenges of climate change. MyCLIMATE is based at LESTARI, UKM and supported by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.


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