email: anis.yusoff@gmail.com
Anis Yusal Yusoff is currently Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), UKM. He is also the National Coordinator of the National Social Cohesion Programme (PADU)–a RM3.5 million 3-year research programme funded by the Ministry of Higher Education. Anis is the project leader and person responsible to develop KITA-MESRA™, a monitoring system on ethnic relations in Malaysia which acts as an early warning system to manage potential tension and conflict among the community. Prior engagements for Anis include being the founding Director of the Political Sector of the Malaysian Institute of Integrity (MII) and served for over ten years with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as Assistant Resident Representative in Malaysia and as Programme Specialist for United Nations Volunteers in Bonn, Germany. Anis was most recently appointed as the Senior Fellow at the Institute of Democracy and Economics Affairs (IDEAS)–a think tank dedicated to promoting market-based solutions to public policy challenges in Malaysia. In addition to his academic research, Anis is serving on a number of national advisory councils. To name a few, he is a member of the Advisory Panel for The Consultation and Prevention of Corruption under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. He is also an advisory member of the panel for the National Advisory Consumer Council and the National Unity and Integration Training Institute. He also advises the CEO of the Razak School of Government through the RSOG Academic Working Group. Anis has been speaking and writing on issues related to people and development and his research and writings have been published as chapter in books, and as article in a number of journals and newspapers. He is also regularly invited by the national media as an analyst of Malaysian socio-politics to discuss areas related to corruption, money politics and ethnic relations.
Professional Activities:
1. Pro-tem Secretary General, Academy of Social Science & Humanities, Malaysia, 2009-present
2. Member, International Institute for Public Ethics, 2005-present
3. Chairman, Programme Review Committee for the Malaysian AIDS Council, 2004-2006
4. Member, Editorial Board, OPALinks – newsletter of the Old Putera Association of the Royal Military College, 1997-2001
5. Pro-tem Secretary General, Transparency International-Malaysian Chapter, 1996-1999.
10 Main Publications:
1. The Book of Green Books: a select annotated bibliographies of resources on the consumer and the environment, publishedby International Organisations of Consumers Union, Penang, 1991.
2. Information and Indigenous Technological Capacity in Developing Countries, [co-author with Marta Dosa] in Across All Borders: International Information Flows and Applications, Scarecrow Press, London, 1997
3. Understanding ICT for Development (ICT4D) Thematics in Malaysia: A Sourcebook, [co-author with Sharon Y.P. Lim] published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Kuala Lumpur, 2003.
4. Producing Seeds of Integrity: From Roots to Fruits, [co-editor with Nor Yuslinda Yusof], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2006.
5. Menghasilkan benih Integriti: Daripada akar ke buahnya (“Producing Seeds of Integrity: From Roots to Fruits”), [co-editor with Zubayry Abady and Mohd Rais Ramli], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2006.
6. Integriti Politik di Malaysia: Ke Arah Kefahaman Yang Lebih Sempurna (“Political Integrity in Malaysia: Towards a Better Understanding”), [co-editor with Zubayry Abady and Mohd Rais Ramli], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2007.
7. Politik : Isu-isu Semasa 2000-2008 (“Politics: Current Issues 2000-2008”), [Co-editor with Zubayry Abady], published by Utusan Publications, Kuala Lumpur, 2008.
8. Road to Political Integrity: a Road Trip You Won’t Forget, [co-editor with V.Loganathan], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
9. Political Integrity in Malaysia: Towards a Better Understanding, (Co-editor with Zubayry Abady and Mohd Rais Ramli]. Published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2009.
10. Strengthening Integrity and Reinforcing Trust (International and Regional Cooperation): Proceedings of ASEAN Instegrity Dialogue 2008 [co-editor with Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2009.
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