The Newton Ungku Omar Fund: UK-Malaysia Research Collaboration in Medical and Health Sciences – Opportunity for Researchers!

Seen here is Professor Olaf Heidenreich who is the Professor of Molecular Haematology, Northern Institute of Cancer Research, NewcastleUniversity. Professor Heidenreich is one of 10 researchers from UK who came to the meeting and took the opportunity to visit us at UMBI on the 5th of February 2016

Seen here is Professor Olaf Heidenreich who is the Professor of Molecular Haematology, Northern Institute of Cancer Research, NewcastleUniversity. Professor Heidenreich is one of 10 researchers from UK who came to the meeting and took the opportunity to visit us at UMBI on the 5th of February 2016

I had the opportunity of representing UKM at the recent UK-Malaysia meeting  on research collaboration in medical and health sciences organized by the Academy of Science and MIGHT from Malaysia and also the Medical Research Council, United Kingdom. The meeting was held at the Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur on the 2nd and 3rd February 2016. A total of 10 top researchers representing 10 universities in the United Kingdom were flown in for the discussion and each of them showcased the key areas in research from their universities. All the research universities from Malaysia were represented together with private universities and research institutes. What followed then were one-on-one interactions in a so-called research clinic style which allowed each researcher from Malaysia to go into more elaborate discussions with the UK counterparts they have chosen.

The grant will be 4 million pounds in total and a tentative target of 10 projects will be funded e.g. each with a cap of 400,000 pounds per project divided equally between the UK and Malaysian component. Each project must have a principal investigator (PI) from UK and one from Malaysia. There can be many co-investigators from other institutions. The project will be over two years from December 2016 to December 2018. The call for proposals will be made soon by the Academy of Science. The grant application is open to all researchers and not limited only to those who attended the meeting.

The 5 areas chosen are in non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular diseases (especially on early myocardial infarctions), diabetes, obesity, cancer and morbidity in NCD related to infection. My advice to all researchers in the medical and health sciences is to get prepared now. Connect with or find a PI from the UK and start discussing on possible projects. Please also engage your co-investigators from Malaysia. Deadline for submission is expected to be in April or May 2016. There is no time to lose. Good luck to all.