IKMAS Seminar Series 11/2022
European and German Migration Policy: between Solidarity and Deterrence
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Timo Tohidipur (Frankfurt University of Applied Science)
Tarikh: 7 July 2022 (Thursday)
Masa: 10.00 am – 12.00 noon
Zoom Meeting: https://ukm-edu-my. zoom.us/j/92215362799?pwd= a1BKRng4TERkQXY4WDQ2TGh3Tlh2QT 09
For any inquiries, you may contact the secretariat farizankhatib@ukm.edu.my or call 0389213949
European and German Migration and Asylum laws are essentially intertwined. While EU law prominently sets the standards for common asylum law in the EU, matters of immigration are still an essential field of regulation left to the member states.
The EU and Germany have established a strict legal and political matrix for voluntarily and forced migration, while reality often draws a different picture. Therefore, common rules must be based on a shared understanding of solidarity – both between the EU Member States and in relation to migrants. Meanwhile, deterrence remains a prominent tool of (EU) migration and border policy.
Timo Tohidipur is a Professor for the Law of Social Work with a specialization on Migration law in its international and European context. He is giving lectures on law for social work, migration law, law and film/media, Human rights, and on postcolonial issues in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. His research agenda comprises European Border Management and especially the legal challenges of the European Border Agency (Frontex), European administrative law, Border Studies and Comparative (Constitutional) law.