Sains Malaysiana 37(4): 365-371(2008)
Isolation and Identification of Marine Sulphate-Reducing
Desulfovibrio sp. and Citrobacter freundii
Pasir Gudang, Malaysia
(Pemencilan Bakteria Penurun-Sulfat
Marin, Desulfovibrio sp. dan
freundii dari, Pasir Gudang, Malaysia)
Karim Sahrani, Zaharah Ibrahim, Adibah Yahya & Madzlan Aziz
School of Environment and Natural
Resource Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Recieved: 3 April 2007 /Accepted:
6 December 2007
the attempt to isolate indigenous marine sulphate-reducing bacteria
from coastal samples, we obtained some swarm forming bacteria. The
isolates were screening using Starkey’s medium and detection of
main groups of SRB were carried out using commercially kits (SRB
BART kits, Droycon Bioconcepts Inc., Canada). From the growth characteristic,
only two isolates were strongly suggested as marine SRB. Based on
the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis these SRB were closely related
and could be designated as Desulfovibrio sp. and Citrobacter
freundii, with the highest sequence similarity of 98% and 93%,
Key words: Sulphate-reducing bacteria; SRB BART kits;
16S rRNA sequence
usaha untuk memencilkan bakteria penurun-sulfat (SRB) yang asli
dari sampel persekitaran marin, kami memperoleh beberapa kumpulan
koloni bakteria. Pemencilan seterusnya disaring menggunakan medium
Starkey’s dan pengesanan kumpulan utama sebagai SRB dijalankan menggunakan
kit komersial SRB (SRB BART kits, Droycon Bioconcepts Inc., Canada).
Daripada pencirian pertumbuhan didapati hanya dua pemencilan dicadangkan
sebagai SRB marin. Analisis urutan 16S rRNA menunjukkan bahawa
SRB tersebut sangat rapat dan boleh dipadankan sebagai Desulfovibrio
sp. dan Citrobacter freundii dengan kesamaan masing-masing
98% dan 93%.
Kata kunci : Bakteria penurun-sulfat;
kit BART SRB; urutan 16S rRNA
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