Sains Malaysiana 39(2)(2010): 227–231
Validation of a Solid Phase Extraction Technique for the
Determination of Halogenated Acetic Acids in Drinking Water
(Validasi Satu Teknik Pengekstrakan Fasa Pepejal bagi
Penentuan Asid Asetik Terhalogen dalam Air Minum)
Sadia Waseem & Md. Pauzi
Centre for Water Research and
Analysis, Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia
Diserahkan: 16 April 2009 / Diterima:
6 Julai 2009
Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are one of the most common disinfection by-products formed
during chlorination of drinking water. An analytical method involving solid
phase extraction (SPE) followed by
gas-chromatograph mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) was developed and optimized using experimental design to
determine the HAAs in water. Selectivity, percent
recovery, and detection limit studies were carried out on a Silia-SAX (Trimethyl ammonium chloride) SPE. Under optimized conditions, average
recoveries for nine HAAs spiked in drinking water samples range
from 69.2% to 108.2 %. The relative standard deviation (RSD) data were found to range from 2.5 % to
12.5% based upon five repeat recovery experiments and detection limit range of
0.16 to 0.009μg/l were obtained. On this basis, SPE was studied as a possible alternative to liquid-liquid
extraction (LLE) for the analysis of HAAs in water. The performance of the SPE-GC-MS with actual water samples was tested.
Keywords: Gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry; haloacetic
acids; SPE
Asid haloasetik (HAA) merupakan salah satu hasil sampingan utama disinfeksi yang
terbentuk semasa proses pengklorinan air minum. Satu kaedah analisis yang
melibatkan pengekstrakan fasa pejal (SPE) diikuti oleh kromatografi gas-spektrometri jisim (GC-MS) telah dibangunkan dan dioptimumkan
berdasarkan teknik reka bentuk eksperimen bagi menentukan HAA di dalam air minum. Faktor kepilihan,
peratusan pemulihan dan had pengesanan telah dikaji menggunakan Silia-SAX (penukar anion ammonium kuaternari) SPE. Di bawah keadaan optimum, purata
perolehan bagi sembilan komponen HAA dalam sampel air minum adalah dalam julat 69.2% sehingga 108.2%.
Sisihan piawai relatif (RSD) bagi lima ulangan
eksperimen didapati mempunyai julat antara 2.5% hingga 12.5% dan had pengesanan
mempunyai julat 0.16 to 0.009μg/l. Hasil ini menunjukkan SPE yang dibangun boleh digunakan sebagai
kaedah alternatif menggantikan kaedah ekstraksi cecair-cecair (LLE) bagi analisis HAA di dalam air. Prestasi kaedah SPE-GC-MS yang dibangun diuji terhadap sampel air sebenar.
Kata kunci: Asid haloasetik; kromatografi gas-spektrometri
jisim; SPE
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