Sains Malaysiana 39(3)(2010): 413–415


Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity of Amaranthus spinosus Linn., by Non Enzymatic Haemoglycosylation

(Penilaian Aktiviti Antioksidan Amaranthus spinosus Linn., dengan Haemoglikosilasi Tanpa Enzim)


B.S. Ashok Kumar1*, K. Lakshman2, K.N. Jayaveera3, Saleemulla Khan4,

B. Manoj1 & V.B. Narayan Swamy1


1Department of Pharmacognosy, Sri K.V.College of Pharmacy

Chickballapur-562101, Karnataka, India


2Department of Pharmacognosy

PES College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Karnataka India


3Department of Chemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University of College of Engineering Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India


4Department of Pharmacognosy, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Manipal, Karnataka, India


Diserahkan: 24 Julai 2009 / Diterima: 16 September 2009




Amaranthus spinosus Linn. complete plant material was extracted successively by petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol, and water. All the extracts were subjected to in vitro non-enzymatic haemo-glycosylation method, i.e. an oxidation reaction. The degree of haemoglycosylation in the presence of different extracts of Amaranthus spinosus were measured colorimetrically at 520 nm. The preventive effect of haemoglobin glycosylation at the two concentration; 0.5 and 1 mg/mL was estimated as follows: pet. ether; 13.1%, 16.4%, chloroform; 5.7%, 12%, methanol: 36.91%, 56.07% and aqueous: 22.2%, 31.01 %, respectively. The α-tocopheral (Vitamin E) was used as standard.


Keywords: Amaranthus spinosus; chloroform; haemoglobin; haemoglycosylation; vitamin E




Bahan tumbuhan Amaranthus spinosus Linn. diekstrakkan secara berturut-turut dengan eter petroleum, kloroform, metanol dan air. Kesemua ekstrak telah ditindakkan secara in vitro dengan kaedah glikosilasi tanpa enzyme ke atas haemoglobin, satu tindak balas pengoksidaan. Darjah haemoglikosilasi dengan kehadiran ekstrak Amaranthus spinosus yang berlainan telah diukur secara kolorimetrik pada 520 nm. Kesan pencegahan ke atas glikosilasi haemoglobin pada dua kepekatan, 0.5 dan 1 mg/mL, telah dianggarkan seperti berikut: eter pet. 13.1% dan 16.4%; kloroform 5.7% dan 12%; metanol 36.91% dan 56.07%; dan akuas 22.2% dan 31.01% masing-masing. α-tokoferal (vitamin E) telah digunakan sebagai paiwai.


Kata kunci: Amaranthus spinosus; haemoglikosilasi; kloroform; haemoglobin; vitamin E 




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