Sains Malaysiana 40(5)(2011): 475–479
Survivin Expression in Uterine Cervical
Exfoliative Cells as Diagnostic Test of Cervical Malignancy Process
Survivin dalam Sel-sel Eksfoliatif Pangkal Rahim sebagai Ujian Diagnostik
daripada Proses-proses Malignan Pangkal Rahim)
Department of
Histology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara
Jl. Dr. Mansur No.
5 Medan 20155 Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
Department of
Histology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya
No. 6 Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Junita Indarti
Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia
Jl. P. Diponegoro
No. 71 Jakarta 1043, Indonesia
Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital, Department of Anatomic Pathology
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia
Jl. P. Diponegoro
No. 71 Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Diserahkan: 13 Ogos
2009 / Diterima: 11 October 2010
Papanicolaou test is a
diagnostic test for uterine cervical cancer screening and routinely examined.
It has limitations. A better technique is needed to identify true cervical
malignancy process. Molecular cancer marker detection may have high the
sensitivity and specificity in detecting cancer. Survivin, a marker candidate,
is upregulated in many malignancy processes. Ninety women have joined in this
cross sectional study by consecutive sampling. Survivin expression was examined
by indirect immunoperoxidase method. It was predominantly found in metaplastic
cells. Correlation between survivin expression and Papanicolaou test results
was calculated by Fischer’s-exact test. Using Papanicolaou test result as an
indicator for the presence of uterine cervical abnormalities, the performance
indicators were calculated. Fischer’s-exact test showed that survivin
expression was not significantly useful as cervical cancer molecular marker.
Survivin expression of the uterine cervical exfoliative cells cannot be used as
a diagnostic test for uterine cervical malignancy process.
Keywords: Diagnostic test;
indirect immunoperoxidase; Papanicolaou test; survivin; uterine cervical cancer
Ujian Papanicolau adalah
sebuah ujian diagnostik bagi pemeriksaan barah pangkal rahim (kanser serviks)
dan dilakukan secara rutin. Ujian ini mempunyai beberapa had. Suatu teknik yang
lebih baik diperlukan bagi mengenal pasti proses malignansi serviks yang
sebenarnya. Survivin, satu calon penanda kanser, meningkat kadarnya dalam
banyak proses malignansi. Sembilan puluh wanita telah menyertai kajian keratan
lintang ini melalui pensampelan berturutan. Pernyataan survivin diperiksa
dengan menggunakan kaedah imunoperoksidas tidak langsung. Korelasi antara
ekspresi survivin dengan keputusan ujian Pap dikira dengan menggunakan ujian
Fischer’s-exact. Seterusnya, dengan menggunakan keputusan yang diperoleh
daripada ujian Papanicolau sebagai penunjuk adanya keganjilan serviks, penunjuk
prestasi daripada immunositokimia daripada survivin boleh dikira. Ujian
Fischer’s-exact menunjukkan bahawa ekspresi survivin tidak berguna secara penuh
makna sebagai penanda kanser serviks secara molekular. Pernyataan survivin
daripada sel-sel eksfoliatif serviks tidak boleh digunakan sebagai ujian
diagnostik bagi proses malignan serviks.
Kata kunci: Imunoperoksidas
tidak langsung; kanser pangkal rahim; survivin; ujian diagnostik; ujian
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