Sains Malaysiana 40(8)(2011): 827–830
Vertical Variation of Lead, Copper and Manganese in Core
Sediments Collected
From Tanjung Lumpur Mangrove Forest, Pahang, Malaysia
(Kepelbagaian Menegak
Plumbum, Kuprum dan Manganese di Dalam Teras Sedimen Hutan Paya Bakau Tanjung
Lumpur, Pahang, Malaysia)
Kamaruzzaman*, M.Y. Nurul Nadia & M.S. Noor Azhar
of Oceanography and Maritime Studies , International Islamic University Malaysia
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
of Maritime Studies and Marine Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
of Oceanography, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu
Diserahkan: 9
Februari 2010 / Diterima: 10 November 2010
Two core sediment samples
collected from Tanjung Lumpur mangrove forest were analysed for lead, copper
and manganese using the sensitive Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
The average concentrations of Pb, Cu, and Mn in core samples were 36.28±7.04
μg/g dry weights, 50.17±5.84 μg/g dry weights, and 110.41±14.48
μg/g dry weights, respectively. From the calculated enrichment factors (EF),
only Mn was considered to be predominantly terrigeneous in origin, while Pb and
Cu have slightly higher EF values which were related to
anthropogenic input.
Keywords: Cu; enrichment
factor; Mn; Pb; Tanjung Lumpur mangrove forest
Dua sampel teras yang
diperoleh dari hutan paya bakau Tanjung Lumpur dianalisis untuk plumbum ,
kuprum dan mangan dengan menggunakan peralatan sensitif Spekrometri Jisim -
Plasma Gandingan Induktif (ICP-MS).
Purata kepekatan Pb, Cu dan Mn adalah masing-masing 36.28±7.04 μg/g berat
kering, 50.17±5.84 μg/g berat kering, and 110.41±14.48 μg/g berat
kering. Daripada pengiraan faktor pengkayaan (EF),
Mn didapati dominan kepada sumber semula jadi, manakala Pb dan Cu yang
mempunyai nilai EF yang lebih tinggi berkemungkinan
mempunyai sumber hubungan dengan sumber antropogenik.
Kata kunci: Cu; faktor pengayaan; hutan paya bakau Tanjung Lumpur;
Mn; Pb;
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