Sains Malaysiana 41(12)(2012): 1571–1577


Chemical Constituents of Stem Bark of Shorea faguetiana

(Juzuk Kimia Kulit Batang Shorea faguetiana)



S. Rohaiza, W.A. Yaacob* & L.B. Din

School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


I. Nazlina

School of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 21 Oktober 2011 /  Diterima: 21 Julai 2012




A phytochemical investigation on the acetone extract of the stem bark of Shorea faguetiana was conducted. The isolation of the chemical compounds was carried out by different chromatographic techniques and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including UV, IR, NMR and MS, and also by comparison with the literature. Five oligostilbenes were isolated and identified as (-)-ε-viniferin, (-)-α-viniferin, (-)-laevifonol, (-)-ampelopsin E and (-)-hopeaphenol.


Keywords: (-)-Ampelopsin E; (-)-α-Viniferin; Dipterocarpaceae; (-)-ε-Viniferin; (-)-Hopeaphenol; (-)-Laevifonol; Oligostilbenes; Shorea faguetiana



Kajian kimia terhadap ekstrak aseton kulit batang Shorea faguetiana telah dilakukan. Pemisahan sebatian kimia dijalankan dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik kromatografi dan struktur telah ditentukan menggunakan kaedah spektroskopi seperti UL, IM, RMN dan SJ, serta membandingkan data yang diperoleh dengan data kepustakaan. Lima oligostilbena telah dipisahkan dan dikenal pasti sebagai (-)-ε-viniferin, (-)-α-viniferin, (-)-laevifonol, (-)-ampelopsin E dan (-)-hopeafenol.


Kata kunci: (-)-Ampelopsin E; (-)-α-Viniferin; Dipterocarpaceae; (-)-ε-Viniferin; (-)-Hopeafenol; (-)-Laevifonol;    Oligostilbena; Shorea faguetiana



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