Sains Malaysiana 41(7)(2012):
Relationships between
Body Size, Weight, Condition and Fecundity of the Threatened Fish Puntius
ticto (Hamilton, 1822) in the Ganges River,Northwestern Bangladesh
antara Saiz Badan, Berat, Keadaan dan Tahap Kesuburan Spesies Ikan TerancamPuntius
Ticto (Hamilton, 1822) di Sungai Gangga, Barat
Laut Bangladesh)
Yeamin Hossain*
of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, 4-50-20 Shimoarata, Kagoshima 890-0056, Japan
Md. Mosaddequr Rahman
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi
6205, Bangladesh
Elgorban M. Abdallah
Center of Excellence of Biotechnology Research, King
Saud University, Riyadh 11451
Saudi Arabia
Diserahkan: 18 Oktober 2011 / Diterima: 22 Disember 2011
The ticto barb Puntius ticto (Hamilton 1822) is a
small, indigenous fish species of Bangladesh that is widely distributed in the
natural waters of Asian countries. This study describes the relationships
between body size, weight, condition (Fulton’s, KF;
allometric, KA, KR; and
relative weight, WR) and fecundity of the
threatened species P. ticto from the
Ganges River, northwestern Bangladesh. A total of 24 mature female specimens
were collected by the traditional fishing gears from March to August 2006. For
each individual, total (TL), fork (FL),
standard length (SL), and ovary length (OL) were
measured by digital slide calipers, while body (BW) and
ovary weight (OW) were taken by a
digital balance. Total fecundity (FT) of each
female was calculated as the number of eggs found in each ovary, whereas
relative fecundity (FR) was the number of eggs
per gram of fish weight. The results showed that TL of P. ticto varied from 9.10 to
10.80 cm, with calculated mean ± SD as
9.77±0.57 cm. Body weights extended from 14.00 to 24.00 g, with calculated mean
± SD as
17.83±3.39 g. The mean FT was 2586±700 and ranged
from 1611 to 4130. BW was more significantly
correlated with total fecundity (r2>0.633;
p<0.001) than various other body metrics. The results also indicated
significant correlation between length-weight (df=22, t-test≥8.86, p<0.001);
FT -KF (rs=0.473;
p=0.019), FT-KA (rs=0.502;
p=0.012), and FT-WR (rs=0.483;
p=0.016), but insignificant correlations were found between FT-GSI (rs=0.309; p=0.141)
and FR-with various other body metrics. The knowledge
of fecundity would be useful to impose adequate regulations for the
conservation of this threatened species in the Ganges River and nearby areas of
Keywords: Bangladesh; fecundity; Ganges
River; Puntius ticto
Puntius ticto (Hamilton
1822) merupakan ticto berduri bersaiz kecil yang merupakan spesies ikan berasal
dari Bangladesh yang banyak dijumpai di perairan semula jadi negara Asia. Kajian ini
menerangkan hubungkait di antara saiz badan, berat, keadaan (Fulton, KF;
alometrik, KA dan berat relatif, WR) dan
tahap kesuburan spesies ikan terancam P. tincto yang
didapati di Sungai Gangga, barat laut Bangladesh. Sebanyak 24 spesimen ikan
betina matang diperoleh secara penangkapan tradisional yang dilakukan di antara
bulan Mac dan Ogos 2006. Pengukuran jumlah panjang (TL),
cabangan (FL), panjang piawai (SL) dan
panjang ovari ditentukan menggunakan kaliper gelangsar digital, manakala berat
badan (BW) dan berat ovari (OW) diukur
menggunakan penimbang digital. Jumlah kesuburan (FT) setiap
ekor ikan betina dikira sebagai bilangan telur yang dijumpai di dalam setiap
ovari, manakala kesuburan relatif (FR) adalah
bersamaan dengan bilangan telur per gram berat ikan. Keputusan menunjukkan TL P.ticto berada di dalam julat 9.10 hingga 10.80
cm dan nilai purata ± SD adalah 9.77±0.57 cm.
Julat berat badan adalah 14.00 hingga 24.00 g dengan nilai purata ± SD bersamaan
17.83±3.39 g. Purata FT adalah 2586±700 dengan
julat 1611 hingga 4130. BW didapati mempunyai
korelasi yang signifikan dengan jumlah kesuburan (r2>0.633;
p<0.001) berbanding metrik badan yang lain. Keputusan juga menunjukkan
korelasi yang signifikan di antara panjang-berat (df=22, ujian-t≥8.86,
p<0.001); FT -KF (rs=0.473;
p=0.019), FT-KA (rs=0.502;
p=0.012), dan FT-WR (rs=0.483;
p=0.016), tetapi hubungan di antara FT-GSI (rs=0.309;
p=0.141) dan FR dengan metrik badan yang
lain tidak menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan. Pengetahuan tentang pembiakan
adalah berguna untuk mengenakan peraturan bagi tujuan pemuliharaan spesies ikan
yang terancam di Sungai Gangga dan kawasan sekitarnya di Bangladesh.
Kata kunci: Bangladesh; kesuburan; Puntius ticto; Sungai Gangga
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