Malaysiana 42(7)(2013): 903–909
Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) Treatment
on Firmness and
Softening Related Enzymes of ‘Sekaki’ Papaya Fruit During
Ripening at Ambient
(Kesan Perlakuan 1-Metilsiklopropena (1-MCP)
ke atas Tekstur dan Aktiviti Enzim Berkait
Perlembutan Betik ‘Sekaki’ Semasa Pemasakan pada Suhu Ambien)
Ahmad, Zainon Mohd. Ali & Zamri Zainal*
of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E. Malaysia
of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bangi, Selangor D.E. Malaysia
13 Mac 2012/Diterima: 16 Disember 2012
fruit ripening process. The effects of 1-MCP (90
ppb for 12 h) on softening related changes were determined through
physiological changes, fruit firmness and activities of the cell wall degrading
enzymes including α-galactosidase, β-galactosidase, pectin
methylesterase (PME) and xylanase during ripening in
papaya (Carica
papaya L. cv Sekaki). In this study, fruits were treated with 90 ppb
concentration of 1-MCP gaseous vapors for 12 h in
airtight container maintained at 28oC. After the treatment
fruits were placed at ambient temperature (28oC).
Papaya treated with 1-MCP experienced a significant delayed
in skin color development, weight loss and reduced firmness loss compared with
the fruit without 1-MCP treatment. As softening
progressed, activity of the cell wall degrading enzymes in fruit without 1-MCP treatment
increased significantly coincident with a rapid decline in fruit firmness. With
1-MCP application, fruit experienced a delay in activity of
cell wall degrading enzymes but continued to increase until later stage of
ripening. Thus it may be suggested that 1-MCP treatment
may aid in delaying softening-related process and thereby extended the
postharvest life and maintained the quality of the ‘Sekaki’ papaya fruit.
Keywords: 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP);
cell wall degrading enzymes; softening-related changes
Kelebihan penggunaan 1-metilsiklopropena (1-MCP)
didapati merencat penghasilan etilena dan sekaligus melambatkan pemasakan buah
daripada berlaku. Perlakuan 1-MCP (90 ppb, 12 jam) terhadap perubahan berkaitan perlembutan
telah dikaji melalui perubahan fisiologi, ketegaran tisu buah dan pengukuran
aktiviti α-galaktosidase, β-galaktosidase, pektin metilesterase (PME)
dan xilanase yang merupakan enzim berkait perlembutan betik (Carica papaya L.
cv Sekaki). Betik ‘Sekaki’ dalam kajian ini diberikan perlakuan 1-MCP pada
kepekatan 90 ppb dan ditempatkan di dalam bekas kedap udara selama 12 jam pada
suhu ambien (28oC). Hasil
menunjukkan perlakuan 1-MCP memperlahankan perubahan warna
kulit buah, kehilangan berat dan mengurangkan kehilangan ketegaran tisu buah
secara signifikan berbanding buah tanpa perlakuan 1-MCP. Kehilangan ketegaran dikatakan seiring dengan peningkatan
aktiviti enzim berkait perlembutan buah. Melalui
perlakuan 1-MCP, peningkatan aktiviti enzim ini dapat ditekan
sepanjang penyimpanan. Walau bagaimanapun, aras aktiviti enzim perlembutan buah yang dikaji meningkat secara berterusan namun
dengan lebih perlahan jika dibandingkan dengan buah tanpa perlakuan 1-MCP. Hasil kajian ini mencadangkan perlakuan 1-MCP berupaya
melambatkan kemerosotan ketegaran buah selaras dengan penindasan aktiviti enzim
perlembutan buah sekaligus memanjangkan hayat simpanan di samping memelihara
kualiti betik ‘Sekaki’.
Kata kunci: 1-metilsiklopropena (1-MCP); enzim perlembutan buah; perubahan berkait
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