Sains Malaysiana 42(8)(2013): 1041–1050
Above Ground Biomass-carbon Partitioning,
Storage and Sequestration in
a Rehabilitated Forest, Bintulu, Sarawak,
(Pembahagian, Takungan, Sekuestrasi
Biojisim-karbon Atas Tanah di Hutan Terpulih,
Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia)
J.H.R. Kueh1*,
N.M. Ab. Majid2, G. Seca1&
O.H. Ahmed1
of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu
Sarawak Campus
P.O. Box 396, 97008 Bintulu
Sarawak, Malaysia
of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43440 Serdang, Selangor
D.E. Malaysia
Diserahkan: 10 Februari
2012 /Diterima: 27 Mac 2013
Forest degradation and deforestation
are some of the major global concerns as it can reduce forest carbon
storage and sequestration capacity. Forest rehabilitation on degraded
forest areas has the potential to improve carbon stock, hence mitigate
greenhouse gases emission. However, the carbon storage and sequestration
potential in a rehabilitated tropical forest remains unclear due
to the lack of information. This paper reports an initiative to
estimate biomass-carbon partitioning, storage and sequestration
in a rehabilitated forest. The study site was at the UPM-Mitsubishi Corporation Forest
Rehabilitation Project, UPM Bintulu
Sarawak Campus, Bintulu, Sarawak. A plot of 20 × 20 m2 was established each in site 1991
(Plot 1991), 1999 (Plot 1999) and 2008 (Plot 2008). An adjacent
natural regenerating secondary forest plot (Plot NF)
was also established for comparison purposes. The results showed
that the contribution of tree component biomass/carbon to total
biomass/carbon was in the order of main stem > branch > leaf.
As most of the trees were concentrated in diameter size class ≤
10 cm for younger rehabilitated forests, the total above ground
biomass/carbon was from this class. These observations suggest that
the forests are in the early successional stage. The total above
ground biomass obtained for the rehabilitated forest ranged from
4.3 to 4,192.3 kg compared to natural regenerating secondary forest
of 3,942.3 kg while total above ground carbon ranged from 1.9 to
1,927.9 kg and 1,820.4 kg, respectively. The mean total above ground
biomass accumulated ranged from 1.3 × 10-2 to 20.5 kg/0.04 ha and mean total
carbon storage ranged from 5.9 × 10-3
to 9.4 kg/0.04 ha. The total CO2 sequestrated in rehabilitated forest
ranged from 6.9 to 7,069.1 kg CO2/0.04
ha. After 19 years, the rehabilitated forest had total above ground
biomass and carbon storage comparable to the natural regeneration
secondary forest. The rehabilitated forest activities have the potential
to increase carbon stock through tree planting. Therefore, forest
rehabilitation has shown the potential role as a carbon sink that
helps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and mitigate climate
Keywords: Biomass partitioning; carbon
sequestration; forest biomass; forest carbon; natural regenerating
secondary forest; rehabilitated forest
Degradasi dan kehilangan hutan adalah
antara keprihatian global yang utama kerana ia boleh mengurangkan
takungan dan kapasiti sekuestrasi karbon hutan. Pemulihan hutan
di kawasan hutan yang telah terdegradasi mempunyai potensi untuk
meningkatkan stok karbon, maka ia boleh mengurangkan pelepasan gas
rumah hijau. Walau bagaimanapun, takungan dan potensi sekuestrasi
karbon di hutan tropika terpulih adalah kurang jelas kerana kekurangan
maklumat. Kertas ini melaporkan satu inisiatif untuk membuat anggaran
pembahagian, takungan dan sekuestrasi biojisim-karbon di hutan terpulih.
Tapak kajian adalah di Projek Pemulihan Hutan UPM-Mitsubishi
Corporation, UPM Kampus Bintulu Sarawak,
Bintulu, Sarawak. Plot bersaiz 20 × 20 m2 telah ditubuhkan setiap satu di
tapak 1991 (Plot 1991), 1999 (Plot 1999) dan 2008 (Plot 2008). Satu
plot di hutan sekunder berregenerasi secara semula jadi yang bersebelahan
(Plot NF) ditubuhkan untuk tujuan perbandingan.
Keputusan menunjukkan sumbangan biojisim/karbon di komponen pokok
kepada jumlah biojisim/karbon dalam susunan batang utama > dahan
> daun. Kebanyakan pokok tertumpu di saiz kelas diameter ≤
10 cm untuk hutan terpulih yang muda, maka jumlah biojisim/karbon
atas tanah adalah daripada kelas tersebut. Pemerhatian tersebut
mencadangkan hutan tersebut adalah pada peringkat awal sesaran.
Jumlah biojisim atas tanah untuk hutan terpulih berjulat daripada
4.3 ke 4,192.3 kg berbanding dengan hutan sekunder beregenerasi
secara semula jadi dengan 3,942.3 kg manakala jumlah karbon atas
tanah, masing-masing berjulat daripada 1.9 ke 1,927.9 kg dan 1,820.4
kg. Min jumlah pengumpulan biojisim atas tanah berjulat daripada
1.3 × 10-2
ke 20.5 kg/0.04 ha dan jumlah takungan karbon berjulat
daripada 5.9 × 10-3 ke 9.4 kg/0.04 ha. Jumlah
sekuestrasi CO2 di hutan terpulih berjulat daripada
6.9 ke 7,069.1 kg CO2/0.04
ha. Selepas 19 tahun, hutan tropika terpulih mempunyai jumlah takungan
biojisim dan karbon atas tanah yang setara dengan hutan sekunder
beregenerasi secara semulajadi. Aktiviti pemulihan hutan menunjukkan
potensi untuk meningkatkan stok karbon melalui penamanan pokok.
Oleh yang demikian, hutan terpulih menunjukkan potensi dalam berperanan
sebagai kawasan tadahan karbon yang boleh membantu dalam mengurangkan
pelepasan gas rumah hijau dan mengurangkan perubahan iklim.
kunci: Biojisim hutan; hutan sekunder beregenerasi secara semula
jadi; hutan terpulih; karbon hutan; pembahagian biojisim; sekuestrasi
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat; email: