Sains Malaysiana 43(12)(2014):
The Importance of Population Origin and Reciprocal Heterogeneous
Microhabitat on Clonal Propagation of Iris japonica Thunb.
(Kepentingan Populasi Asal dan Mikrohabitat Heterogen Resiprokal ke
atas Propagasi Klon
Iris japonica Thunb.)
1College of
Horticulture & Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University
430070, R.P. China
2College of Urban
Planning and Environmental Science, Xuchang University
Xuchang, 461000, R.P. China
Diserahkan: 19 Disember 2013/Diterima: 16 April 2014
A reciprocal transplant-replant experiment was carried out to
investigate the clonal plasticity and local specialization of OAFE population (O type)
and BF population (U type) of a clonal rhizome herb Iris japonica in contrasting reciprocal
heterogeneous habitats on Jinyun Mountain. U Population had better performance
of plant size and clonal propagation (including allocation to clonal
propagation, daughter ramet and fine rhizome) in different reciprocal
heterogeneous habitats than O population. Both the population origin and
reciprocal spatial heterogeneous habitat had effects on clonal ramets and
biomass of clonal components of experimental plants. The plasticity of clonal
growth had difference in clonal components to balance High light-Low soil
resources (water) (HL) or Low light-High soil resources (LH)
due to the ecological isolation of the two I. japonica populations. Our
findings indicated that two major types of patterns of spatial covariance of
resources can have different effects on the growth and local variation of
clonal plants.
Keywords: Clonal plant; clonal propagation; geneotype (G) ×
environment (E) interaction; plasticity; reciprocal heterogeneous habitat
Suatu eksperimen resiprokal pemindahan-tanam semula telah
dijalankan untuk mengkaji keplastikan klon dan pengkhususan setempat populasi OAFE (jenis
O) dan populasi BF (jenis U) daripada rhizom herba klon Iris japonica dalam pembezaan habitat
heterogen resiprokal di Gunung Jinyun. Populasi U mempunyai
prestasi yang lebih baik daripada populasi O daripada segi saiz tumbuhan dan
propagasi klon (termasuk peruntukan untuk propagasi klon, anak ramet dan rhizom
halus) dalam habitat heterogen resiprokal yang berlainan. Kedua-dua populasi asal dan reruang habitat heterogen mempunyai
kesan ke atas ramet klon dan biomas komponen klon dalam tumbuhan yang dikaji. Keplastikan pertumbuhan klon menunjukkan perbezaan dalam komponen klon untuk
mengimbangi sumber cahaya tinggi-tanah rendah (air) (HL) atau sumber tanah
tinggi-cahaya rendah (LH) yang disebabkan oleh pengasingan ekologi kedua-dua
populasi I. japonica tersebut. Hasil kajian kami
menunjukkan bahawa dua corak utama kovarians reruang sumber boleh memberikan
kesan yang berbeza pada pertumbuhan dan variasi tempatan bagi tumbuhan klon.
Kata kunci: Habitat
heterogen resiprokal; interaksi geneotip (G) × persekitaran (E);
keplastikan; propagasi klon; tumbuhan klon
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