Sains Malaysiana 45(3)(2016): 347–353

Effects of Autochthonous Probiotic Feeding on Performances, Carcass Traits, Serum Composition and Faecal Microflora of Broiler Chickens

(Kesan Pemakanan Probiotik Autoktonus ke atas Prestasi Ciri Karkas, Komposisi Serum

dan Mikroflora Tahi Ayam Daging)



T. IDOUI1,3* & N.E. KARAM2


1Laboratory of Biotechnology, Environment and Health, University of Jijel, Algeria


2Laboratory of Biology of Microorganisms and Biotechnology, University of Oran, Algeria


3Department of Applied Microbiology and Food Science, University of Jijel, Algeria


Diserahkan: 22 Disember 2014/Diterima: 2 September 2015




The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of autochthonous Lactobacillus plantarum feeding on growth performance, carcass traits, serum composition and faecal microflora of broiler chickens. The results showed a significant positive effect (p< 0.05) of probiotic on body weight and feed conversion ratio. Coliform counts in the fecal matter of broiler chickens receiving probiotic were lower than the analogous population in control birds (p<0.05). In contrary, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) number increased (p<0.05) in fecal matter of experimental group. At the end of the study, the degree of serum cholesterol reduction resulted in a 20.31% compared to the control group (p<0.05). The experimental group had significantly lower serum triglycerides (p<0.05). It was concluded that autochthonous probiotic improved growth and feed efficiency in broilers chickens and considering the improvements in carcass traits. This probiotic possess the property of reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and possess a positive effect on the gut microflora.


Keywords: Broiler chicken; carcass; microflora; performance; probiotic; serum



Objektif penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan pemakanan autoktonus Lactobacillus plantarum ke atas prestasi pertumbuhan, sifat-sifat karkas, komposisi serum dan mikroflora tahi ayam daging. Keputusan menunjukkan kesan positif (p<0.05) probiotik ke atas berat badan dan nisbah penukaran makanan. Kiraan koliform dalam bahan tahi ayam daging yang menerima probiotik adalah lebih rendah daripada populasi analog dalam burung kawalan (p<0.05). Sebaliknya, bilangan bakteria asid laktik (LAB) meningkat (p<0.05) dalam bahan tahi kumpulan eksperimen. Pada akhir kajian tahap pengurangan kolesterol serum berkurang sebanyak 20.31% berbanding dengan kumpulan kawalan (p<0.05). Kumpulan eksperimen mempunyai serum trigliserida yang lebih rendah secara signifikan (p<0.05). Disimpulkan bahawa probiotik autoktonus meningkatkan keberkesanan pertumbuhan dan makanan dalam ayam daging dengan mengambil kira peningkatan dalam sifat karkas. Probiotik mempunyai sifat mengurangkan kolesterol dan trigliserida di dalam darah dan mempunyai kesan positif ke atas usus mikroflora.


Kata kunci: Ayam daging; kaskas; mikroflora; prestasi; probiotik; serum



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