Sains Malaysiana 46(12)(2017): 2541–2547


A Hybrid Climate Model for Rainfall Forecasting based on Combination of Self-Organizing Map and Analog Method

(Model Iklim Hibrid untuk Ramalan Curahan Hujan berdasarkan Gabungan Peta Swaurus dan Kaedah Analog)




1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand


2Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, KMUTT, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand


Diserahkan: 22 November 2016/Diterima: 1 April 2017




A hybrid climate model (HCM) is a novel proposed model based on the combination of self-organizing map (SOM) and analog method (AM). The main purpose was to improve the accuracy in rainfall forecasting using HCM. In combination process of HCM, SOM algorithm classifies high dimensional input data to low dimensional of several disjointed clusters in which similar input is grouped. AM searches the future day that has similar property with the day in the past. Consequently, the analog day is mapped to each cluster of SOM to investigate rainfall. In this study, the input data, geopotential height at 850 hPa from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) are training set data and also the complete rainfall data at 30-meteorological stations from Thai meteorological department (TMD) are observed. To improve capability of rainfall forecasting, three different measures were evaluated. The experimental results showed that the performance of HCM is better than the traditional AM. It is illustrated that the HCM can forecast rainfall proficiently.


Keywords: Analog method; hybrid climate model; rainfall forecasting; self-organizing map



Model iklim hibrid (HCM) adalah model cadangan novel berdasarkan peta swaurus (SOM) dan kaedah analog (AM). Tujuan utama kajian ialah untuk meningkatkan ketepatan dalam peramalan curahan hujan menggunakan HCM. Dalam proses gabungan HCM, algoritma SOM mengelaskan data input dimensi yang tinggi kepada dimensi rendah daripada beberapa kelompok terputus dengan input yang sama dikumpulkan. AM mencari hari akan datang yang mempunyai sifat yang sama dengan hari pada masa lalu. Oleh yang demikian, hari analog dipetakan kepada setiap kluster SOM untuk mengkaji curahan hujan. Dalam kajian ini, input data, ketinggian geopotensi pada 850 hPa daripada Sistem Iklim Ramalan Analisis Semula (CFSR) adalah data set latihan dan juga data lengkap curahan hujan di 30 stesen meteorologi daripada Jabatan Meteorologi Thailand (TMD) adalah curahan hujan yang dicerap. Untuk memperbaiki keupayaan ramalan curahan hujan, tiga langkah berbeza telah dinilai. Keputusan uji kaji menunjukkan prestasi HCM adalah lebih baik daripada AM tradisi. Ditunjukkan bahawa HCM boleh meramalkan hujan dengan cekap.


Kata kunci: Kaedah analog; model hibrid iklim hujan ramalan; peta swaurus


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