Sains Malaysiana 46(12)(2017): 2549–2554


Transformation and Differentiation of Henstock-Wiener Integrals

(Transformasi dan Pembezaan Kamiran Henstock-Wiener)




1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, 90112, Thailand


2Mathematics Department, Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Hts., Quezon City, 1108, Philippines


Diserahkan: 8 November 2016/Diterima: 18 April 2017



In this paper, transformation and differentiation of Henstock-Wiener integrals are discussed. The approach is by Riemann sums. The idea is more transparent than that of classical Wiener integral.


Keywords: Cameron-Martin theorem; Henstock integral; Henstock-Kurzweil integral; Wiener integral


Kertas ini membincangkan transformasi dan perbezaan kamiran Henstock-Wiener. Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah congak Riemann. Idea ini lebih telus berbanding klasik integral Wiener.


Kata kunci: Cameron-Martin theorem; Henstock integral; Henstock-Kurzweil integral; Wiener integral



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