Sains Malaysiana 46(3)(2017): 365–372
Effects of Disturbance on the Abundance and Foraging Behaviour of
Shorebirds and Waterbirds in the Tropical Mudflat Areas
Gangguan Terhadap Kelimpahan dan Tabiat Pemakanan Burung Pesisir Pantai
Burung Air di Kawasan Berlumpur Tropika)
1Institute of Biological
Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal
Territory, Malaysia
2School of Environmental
and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology
43600 UKM Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 3 November
2015/Diterima: 9 Ogos 2016
A study was conducted in the
mudflats of Jeram and Remis Beaches, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia from
November 2013 until July 2014 to determine the effects of disturbance on
shorebird and waterbird abundance and foraging behavior. Direct observation was
used in this study. Mann-Whitney test showed no significant difference in
abundance of bird in Jeram and Remis Beaches (t=2.96, p=0.05).
A significant difference were detected between the sampling plots in Jeram
Beach (S=16.67, p<0.001) and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test shows a
significant difference between the sampling plots in Remis Beach (W=78, p=0.003).
Spearman’s rank correlation shows significant association between the abundance
of bird with the abundance of humans, dogs and vehicles (p<0.05) in
both Jeram and Remis Beaches. Humans contribute to a higher percentage in
disruptions towards the species studied (47.5%), followed by dogs (32.1%) and
vehicles (20.4%). Thirty-six percent of birds stopped feeding and flew away
upon disruption, 23% stopped feeding and run away, 22% stopped feeding but stay
alert and 19% continue feeding (habituated). Analysis on the responses of birds
toward the disturbance show significant difference between species (χ2 =
98.77, p<0.05). This study concluded that anthropogenic disturbance
caused a major impact on shorebird and waterbird abundance and influenced their
foraging behavior. Response of bird towards disturbance was varied according to
the species and types of disturbance. By understanding how the bird species
response toward disturbance, the conservation efforts can be implemented more
effectively in the future.
Keywords: Disturbance; habituation;
intertidal mudflats; shorebirds; waterbirds
Suatu kajian telah dijalankan di
kawasan berlumpur di Pantai Jeram dan Pantai Remis, Selangor, Semenanjung
Malaysia dari November 2013 sehingga Julai 2014 bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti
kesan gangguan terhadap kelimpahan dan tabiat pemakanan burung pesisir pantai
dan burung air. Teknik pemerhatian secara langsung telah digunakan dalam kajian
ini. Ujian ‘Mann-Whitney’ menunjukkan tiada perbezaan ketara dalam kelimpahan
burung di Pantai Jeram dan Pantai Remis (t=2.96, p=0.05).
Perbezaan ketara telah dikesan di antara plot-plot pensampelan di Pantai Jeram
(S=16.67, p<0.001) dan Ujian ‘Wilcoxon Signed Rank’
menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan ketara di antara plot-plot persampelan di Pantai
Remis (W=78, p=0.003). Kolerasi ‘Spearman Rank’ menunjukkan
terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kelimpahan burung dengan kelimpahan
manusia, anjing dan kenderaan (p<0.05) di Pantai Jeram dan Pantai
Remis. Manusia menyumbang kepada peratusan gangguan tertinggi terhadap spesies
yang dikaji (47.5%), diikuti oleh anjing (32.1%) dan kenderaan (20.4%). Tiga
puluh enam peratus burung berhenti makan dan terbang sejurus gangguan berlaku,
23% berhenti makan dan lari, 22% berhenti makan tetapi berwaspada dan 19% tidak
berhenti makan (habituasi). Perbezaan ketara telah ditunjukkan di antara
spesies-spesies burung melalui maklum balas ke atas gangguan (χ2 =
98.77, p<0.05). Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa kelimpahan dan tabiat
pemakanan burung pesisir pantai dan burung air terjejas oleh gangguan
antropogenik. Tindak balas burung terhadap gangguan berbeza mengikut spesies
dan jenis gangguan. Dengan memahami bagaimana spesies burung bertindak balas
terhadap gangguan, usaha pemuliharaan dapat dijalankan dengan lebih berkesan
pada masa hadapan.
kunci: Burung air; burung pesisir pantai; gangguan; habituasi; lumpur pasang
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat; email: