Sains Malaysiana 46(3)(2017): 393–399
Spatial and Temporal Variation on
Distributions of Dissolved and Particulate Arsenic and Mercury in Sungai
Kuantan, Pahang
(Perbezaan Temporal dan Reruang bagi Taburan Logam
Arsenik dan Merkuri Terlarut
dan Berpartikel di Sungai Kuantan, Pahang)
1Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University
Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang
Darul Makmur, Malaysia
2Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, International Islamic University
Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang
Darul Makmur, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 10 Ogos 2015/Diterima: 3 Ogos
It is important to monitor the
concentration of toxic metals in the Sungai Kuantan as it serves many
communities in terms of domestic, fisheries and agriculture purpose. In order
to determine the distributions of dissolved and particulate As and Hg in Sungai
Kuantan and evaluate its changes temporally and spatially, water samples were
collected from the surface and bottom layers in a grid of 9 stations from
estuary towards the upstream of Sungai Kuantan from May 2012 till October 2012.
The dissolved metals were pre-concentrated using Chelex-100 while particulate
metals were digested using Teflon bomb and subsequently were analyzed using ICP-MS.
Dissolved As ranging from 4.650 to 36.894 μg L-1 while
dissolved Hg ranging from BDL to 0.011 μg L-1.
Particulate As and Hg varied from 0.650 to 86.087 mg L-1 and BDL to 5.873 mg L-1, respectively. Higher
concentration of the dissolved elements were found mainly in October 2012 and
particulate elements concentration mostly higher in May 2012. The source of the
studied metals in the river may be the run-off from the effluent discharges and
other natural sources. The toxic elements studied in Sungai Kuantan waters were
still below the Interim Marine Water Quality Standard (INWQS)
permissible limits.
Keywords: Arsenic; dissolved metals;
mercury; river water; suspended particulate matter
Pengawalan kepekatan logam toksik di
Sungai Kuantan adalah penting kerana sungai tersebut menjadi tumpuan
komuniti daripada segi domestik, perikanan dan pertanian. Oleh itu,
untuk mengenal pasti logam As dan Hg dalam fasa terlarut dan pepejal
terampai yang terdapat di Sungai Kuantan, sampel air di bahagian
permukaan air dan di bahagian dasar telah diambil di 9 stesyen bermula
dari muara sungai hingga ke hulu sungai pada Mei 2012 sehingga Oktober
2012. Logam terlarut telah dipekatkan menggunakan Chelex-100 manakala
logam pepejal terampai dianalisis melalui proses penghadaman Teflon
Bomb. Logam surih kemudiannya dianalisis melalui Instrumen Spektrometri
Jisim Gandingan Plasma Teraruh (ICP-MS).
Logam As terlarut berjulat daripada 4.650 hingga 36.894 μg
manakala Hg terlarut berjulat daripada BDL hingga 0.011 μg L-1.
Logam As dan Hg fasa pepejal terampai masing-masing berjulat daripada
0.650 hingga 86.087 mg L-1 dan
hingga 5.873 mg L-1. Kepekatan unsur logam terlarut
adalah tinggi pada Oktober 2012 dan logam pepejal terampai yang
diperoleh adalah tinggi pada Mei 2012. Logam toksik di Sungai Kuantan
berada di bawah paras yang digariskan oleh Piawai Interim Kualiti
Air Marin (IMWQS).
Kata kunci: Air sungai; arsenik; logam pepejal terampai; logam
terlarut; merkuri
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