Sains Malaysiana 51(11)(2022): 3663-3676


Functional and Bioactive Properties of Bupleurum chinense DC. and Clematis chinensis Osbeck Mediated Biogenic Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles

(Sifat Fungsian dan Bioaktif Bupleurum chinense DC. dan Clematis chinensis Osbeck antara Nanozarah Perak Biogen Disintesis)




1Department of Chemical Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 31900 Kampar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia

2Centre for Biomedical and Nutrition Research Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 31900 Kampar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 22 November 2021/Diterima: 7 Julai 2022



The synthesis of novel metallic nanoparticles (NPs) using plant materials has emerged as a cost-effective alternative to synthetic NPs and has found wide application in biomedical, cosmetic, bioremediation, and health care technology. This study aimed to synthesize and characterize the morphologies, functional groups, and crystalline structures of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) deduced using B. chinense (Bc) and C. chinensis (Cc). The biogenic AgNPs were appraised for their antioxidant content, radical scavenging activities, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic activities to understand their functional and health promoting properties. The AgNPs deduced from both plants were spherical in shape with the size of 20-30 nm and possessed face centered cubic phase arrangement. The total phenolic content (TPC) was high in Cc-AgNPs (166.2100 mgGAE/g) and exhibited strong hydroxyl (OH-) and ABTS+ radical scavenging activities. On the contrary, Bc-AgNPs with higher TFC (286.1438 mgQE/g) had greater nitric-oxide (NO), DPPH, Fe2+scavenging and anti-albumin denaturation activities. Minimum anti-α-amylase activity disparity was observed between Cc-AgNPs(EC50 = 0.2903 mg/mL) and Bc-AgNPs(EC50 = 0.2975 mg/mL) due to various inhibition mode contributed by bioactive compounds. Besides, Bc-AgNPs showed strongest inhibition towards Gram negative bacteria while Cc-AgNPs was more effective as an antifungal agent. In conclusion, biogenic AgNPs exhibited strong functional and bioactive properties which may be attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds on the surface of AgNPs and further in-depth analysis are required to be used for various biomedical applications.


Keywords: Antioxidant activity; anti-bacterial; biogenic synthesis; Bupleurum chinense DC.; Clematis chinensis Osbeck; silver nanoparticles



Sintesis nanozarah logam (NP) novel menggunakan bahan tumbuhan telah muncul sebagai alternatif kos efektif kepada NP sintetik dan telah menemui aplikasi meluas dalam teknologi bioperubatan, kosmetik, biopemulihan dan penjagaan kesihatan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis dan mencirikan morfologi, kumpulan berfungsi, dan struktur kristal nanozarah perak (AgNPs) yang disimpulkan menggunakan B. chinense (Bc) dan C. chinensis (Cc). AgNP biogenik dinilai untuk kandungan antioksidannya, aktiviti penghapusan radikal, aktiviti antimikrob, anti-radang dan anti-diabetes untuk memahami sifat fungsian dan kesihatannya. AgNP yang disimpulkan daripada kedua-dua tumbuhan adalah berbentuk sfera dengan saiz 20-30 nm dan mempunyai susunan fasa kubik berpusat muka. Jumlah kandungan fenolik (TPC) adalah tinggi dalam Cc-AgNPs (166.2100 mgGAE/g) dan mempamerkan aktiviti penghapusan radikal hidroksil (OH-) dan ABTS+ yang kuat. Sebaliknya, Bc-AgNPs dengan TFC yang lebih tinggi (286.1438 mgQE/g) mempunyai aktiviti denaturasi nitrik-oksida (NO), DPPH, Fe2+ dan anti-albumin yang lebih besar. Jurang aktiviti anti-α-amilase minimum diperhatikan antara Cc-AgNPs (EC50 = 0.2903 mg/mL) dan Bc-AgNPs (EC50 = 0.2975 mg/mL) disebabkan pelbagai mod perencatan yang disumbangkan oleh sebatian bioaktif. Selain itu, Bc-AgNPs menunjukkan perencatan paling kuat terhadap bakteria Gram negatif manakala Cc-AgNPs lebih berkesan sebagai agen antikulat. Kesimpulannya, AgNP biogenik mempamerkan sifat fungsian dan bioaktif yang kuat yang mungkin dikaitkan dengan kehadiran sebatian bioaktif pada permukaan AgNPs dan analisis lebih mendalam diperlukan untuk digunakan untuk pelbagai aplikasi bioperubatan.


Kata kunci: Aktiviti antioksida; anti-bakteria; Bupleurum chinense DC.; Clematis chinensis Osbeck; nanozarah perak; sintesis biogen



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