Sains Malaysiana 51(12)(2022): 4031-4041


A Study on Antibacterial, Antioxidant, and Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Elephantopus scaber L.

(Suatu Kajian Keberkesanan Antibakteria, Antioksidan dan Hepatopelindung Elephantopus scaber L.)




School of Education, Can Tho University, Can Tho City, Vietnam


Diserahkan: 19 April 2022/Diterima: 9 Ogos 2022



Elephantopus scaber is an herb widely used in folk remedies in Vietnam, especially in the treatment of liver disease. However, scientific studies evaluating the activity and ability to treat the disease in a scientific way are still very limited. This study evaluated the antibacterial, antioxidant, acute toxicity and hepatoprotective efficacy of E. scaber extracts. The extracts restricted the growth of 6 types of bacteria, being particularly most effective against E. coli. It was found that the E. scaber leaves extract was more efficient than root, stem, flower, and whole plant extracts. DPPH assay showed that the flower extract had the highest antioxidant activity (EC50 = 60.29 µg/mL). The E. scaber extracts (>5000 mg/kg) also did not cause acute toxicity in mice. Additionally, the extracts effectively protected and recovered mice liver cells damaged by CCl4. The reduction of mice liver enzyme levels (AST and ALT) was similar between the extracts and silymarin. This hepatoprotective efficiency was also illustrated by the morphology and histology of the mice liver cells. The extracts healed mice liver cells by recovering the cell diameter, reducing inflammation swelling and increasing Hb concentration.  


Keywords: Acute toxicity; antibacterial; antioxidant; Elephantopus scaber; hepatoprotective



Elephantopus scaber ialah herba yang digunakan secara meluas dalam ubat-ubatan di Vietnam, terutamanya dalam rawatan penyakit hati. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian saintifik untuk menilai aktiviti dan keupayaan untuk merawat penyakit secara saintifik masih sangat terhad. Kajian ini menilai keberkesanan antibakteria, antioksidan, ketoksikan akut dan hepatopelindung ekstrak E. scaber. Ekstrak ini merencat pertumbuhan 6 jenis bakteria, paling berkesan terutamanya terhadap E. coli. Didapati bahawa ekstrak daun E. scaber lebih cekap daripada ekstrak akar, batang, bunga dan keseluruhan tumbuhan. Ujian DPPH menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak bunga mempunyai aktiviti antioksidan yang paling tinggi (EC50 = 60.29 µg/mL). Ekstrak E. scaber (>5000 mg/kg) juga tidak menyebabkan ketoksikan akut pada tikus. Selain itu, ekstrak berkesan melindungi dan memulihkan sel hati tikus yang rosak oleh CCl4. Pengurangan tahap enzim hati tikus (AST dan ALT) adalah serupa antara ekstrak dan silimarin. Kecekapan hepatopelindung ini juga digambarkan oleh morfologi dan histologi sel hati tikus. Ekstrak itu menyembuhkan sel hati tikus dengan memulihkan diameter sel, mengurangkan bengkak keradangan dan meningkatkan kepekatan Hb.


Kata kunci: Antibakteria; antioksidan; Elephantopus scaber; hepatopelindung; ketoksikan akut



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