Sains Malaysiana 52(2)(2023): 563-578
Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin and Ascorbic
Acid against Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Hepatic Damage: In vivo
(Kesan Amelioratif
Asid Alfa Lipoik, Kuersetin dan Asid Askorbik terhadap Nanozarah Zink Oksida
Aruhan Kerosakan Hepar: In vivo)
1Department of Zoology, Lahore
College for Women University
2Department of Chemistry, Lahore
College for Women University
3Department of Zoology, Government
College University, Lahore
29 April 2022/Diterima: 23 Disember 2022
The current study envisioned to
evaluate time related protective effect of quercetin, alpha lipoic acid and ascorbic acid on liver of mice against sub-acute exposure of zinc
oxide (ZnO-NP) nanoparticle. Male Swiss albino mice
(n=72) were randomly divided into eight groups (n=9, each group). G1 received
saline solution 0.9%; G2 received quercetin (100 mg/kg b.w);
G3 received alpha lipoic acid (100 mg/kg b.w); G4 received ascorbic acid (100 mg/kg b.w); G5 received ZnO-NPs (50 mg/kg b.w); G6
received ZnO-NPs with quercetin; G7 received ZnO-NPs with Alpha lipoic acid
and G8 co-treated with ZnO-NPs and ascorbic acid for 21 consecutive days. Body weight, hepatosomatic index and plasma biochemical parameters
(total protein, albumin, globulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high
density lipoproteins, low density lipoprotein, aspartate
aminotransferase, alanine
transaminase, alkaline phosphatase & bilirubin) were estimated. ZnO showed significant increase in body weight and
cause alterations in all biochemical parameters. Co-administration of quercetin (100 mg/kg b.w), alpha lipoic acid and ascorbic acid daily along with ZnO-NPs,
significantly ameliorate the dramatic alteration in biochemical parameters and
hepatocellular necrosis caused by ZnO nanoparticles.
Brine shrimp larvae cytotoxicity assay of ZnO nanoparticles showed 0% mortality. Present study concluded that all three
active ingredients showed hepatoprotective effects
against nanoparticles induced time dependent toxicity.
Keywords: Alpha lipoic acid and ascorbic acid;
quercetin; ZnO-NPs
Kajian ini
berwawasan untuk menilai kesan perlindungan berkaitan masa kuersetin, asid alfa
lipoik dan asid askorbik pada hati tikus terhadap pendedahan sub-akut nanozarah
zink oksida (ZnO-NP). Tikus albino Swiss jantan (n=72) dibahagikan secara rawak
kepada lapan kumpulan (n=9, setiap kumpulan). G1 menerima larutan garam 0.9%; G2 menerima
kuersetin (100 mg/kg b.w); G3 menerima asid alfa lipoik (100 mg/kg b.w); G4 menerima
asid askorbik (100 mg/kg b.w); G5 menerima ZnO-NPs (50 mg/kg b.w); G6 menerima
ZnO-NPs dengan kuersetin; G7 menerima ZnO-NPs dengan asid alfa lipoik dan G8
dirawat bersama dengan ZnO-NPs dan asid askorbik selama 21 hari berturut-turut. Berat badan,
indeks hepatosomatik dan parameter plasma biokimia (jumlah protein, albumin,
globulin, jumlah kolesterol, trigliserida, lipoprotein ketumpatan tinggi,
lipoprotein ketumpatan rendah, aminotransferase aspartat, transaminase alanin,
fosfatase alkali & bilirubin) telah dianggarkan. ZnO
menunjukkan peningkatan ketara dalam berat badan dan menyebabkan perubahan
dalam semua parameter biokimia. Pemberian bersama kuercetin (100 mg/kg b.w), asid alfa
lipoik dan asid askorbik setiap hari bersama-sama dengan ZnO-NPs dengan ketara
memperbaiki perubahan dramatik dalam parameter biokimia dan nekrosis hepatosel
yang disebabkan oleh nanozarah ZnO. Asai kesitotoksikan larva udang air garam nanozarah ZnO
menunjukkan 0% kematian. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa ketiga-tiga bahan aktif
menunjukkan kesan hepatopelindung terhadap nanozarah aruhan ketoksikan
Kata kunci:
Asid alfa lipoik; asid askorbik; kuersetin; ZnO-NPs
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