Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 6 (2015): 1382 - 1390






(Pengaruh Aktiviti Pasang Surut Bagi Variabel Hidrologi di Sungai Paka,

Terengganu, Malaysia)


Mohd EkhwanToriman1,2, Muhammad Barzani Gasim1*, Haniff Muhamad1


1East Coast Environmental Research Institute (ESERI),

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

2School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 14 April 2015; Accepted: 9 July 2015




A hydrological study was conducted to determine their characteristics at Paka River, Terengganu. Seven sampling stations were identified in this study. Sampling was started from the estuary of Paka River, and ended about 14 km away from the estuary as each station was 2 km apart from each other. Sampling was carried out at two different water tides (low and high water tides) and two durational variations which represented by the wet and dry periods. Hydrological variables such as river velocity, river width and river depth were measured by using specific equipment. River width was measured by using a rangefinder (model Bushnell 20-0001), river depth was measured by using a depth meter (model Speedtech SM-5) and river velocity was measured by using a flow meter/current flow meter (model FP101). Station 1 that located at the downstream identified by highest readings for hydrological variables both water tides during the first and second samplings compared to stations 7 which located at the upstream. Higher readings of hydrological variables were also shown during dry season since low freshwater flow due to less rainfall intensity in the upstream area.


Keywords: Paka River, hydrological measurement, high and low tides, wet and dry periods



Satu kajian hidrologi telah dijalankan untuk menentukan ciri-cirinya di Sungai Paka, Terengganu. Tujuh stesen pensampelan telah dikenal pasti dalam kajian ini. Persampelan yang bermula dari muara Sungai Paka, dan berakhir kira-kira 14 km dari muara kerana setiap stesen pensampelan berjarak 2 km diantara satu dengan yang lain. Persampelan telah dijalankan berdasarkan perbezaan aras laut  (air laut pasang dan air laut surut) dan dalam dua variasi musim yang diwakili oleh tempoh basah dan kering. Beberapa variabel hidrologi seperti halaju sungai, lebar sungai dan kedalaman sungai diukur dengan menggunakan peralatan khas. Lebar sungai diukur dengan menggunakan “rangefinder” (model Bushnell 20-0001), kedalaman sungai diukur dengan menggunakan “depth”meter (model Speedtech SM-5) dan halaju sungai diukur dengan menggunakan meter alir (model FP101). Stesen 1 yang terletak di hilir dikenal pasti mempunyai  bacaan tertinggi bagi bagi kesemua variabel hidrologi di kedua-dua keadan pasang dan surut  dan dalam pensampelan pertama dan kedua berbanding stesen 7 yang terletak di hulu. Bacaan variabel hidrologi yang tinggi juga telah ditunjukkan semasa musim kering ini adalah disebabkan aliran sungai yang rendah kerana keamatan hujan yang rendah di kawasan hulu.


Kata kunci: Sungai Paka, pengukuran hidrologi, air laut pasang surut, tempoh basah dan kering



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