Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 6 (2015): 1391 - 1404






(Degradasi Kualiti Air di Tasik Cempaka, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Disebabkan oleh E.coli dan Kepekatan Nutrisi yang Berlebihan)


Muhammad Barzani Gasim1*, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman1,2,  Soaad Muftah1, Amal Barggig1, Nor Azlina Abd Aziz1, Fazureen Azaman1, Norsyuhada Hairoma1, Haniff Muhamad1


1East Coast Environmental Research Institute (ESERI),

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

2School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 14 April 2015; Accepted: 9 July 2015




This study was carried out to determine the status of the water quality condition in Cempaka Lake, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.  Seven sampling stations were selected to represent the water quality condition of the lake. The sampling was carried out in two different times; the first sampling was in June 2010 and the second sampling in August 2010.  A total of fifteen water quality parameters was selected, analyzed in-situ and ex-situ, and classified based on WQI and NWQS Classifications. Results for in-situ water quality parameters are: pH content ranged from 6.13 to 6.92; DO from 1.63 to 4.94 mg/L; temperature from 26.02 to 28.37 ºC and conductivity from 94 to 213μS/cm. For ex-situ water quality parameters are: BOD from 0.38 to 2.4 mg/L, Escherichia coli from 120x102 CFU/100mL to 403x102CFU /100mL; nitrite from 0.06 to 0.99 mg/L, nitrate from 1.0 to 1.8 mg/L;  ammoniacal nitrogen from 2.00 to 2.84 mg/L; phosphate from 0.21 to 0.56 mg/L; sulphate from 21 to 35 mg/L; COD from 9.3 to 69 mg/L and TSS from 1.8 to 33.3 mg/L; oil & grease from 5.7 to 11.8 mg/L; hardness from 13.89 to 35.57 mg/L.  Overall, Cempaka Lake was classified moderately polluted due to urban activities.


Keywords: Cempaka Lake, water quality parameter, WQI and NWQS classifications, moderately polluted



Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menentukan status  kualiti air di Tasik Cempaka, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Tujuh stesen pensampelan telah dipilih untuk mengenalpasti kualiti air tasik. Pensampelan telah dijalankan dalam dua masa yang berlainan; pensampelan pertama ialah pada bulan Jun 2010 dan persampelan kedua pada bulan Ogos 2010. 15 parameter kualiti air telah dipilih, dianalisis in-situ dan ex-situ, dan berdasarkan pengkelasan IKA dan PKAK. Keputusan untuk in-situ parameter kualiti air adalah: Kandungan pH adalah antara 6.13-6.92; DO 1.63-4.94 mg/L; suhu 26.02 – 28.37 ºC dan kekonduksian daripada 94 sehingga 213μS/cm. Bagi ex-situ parameter kualiti air adalah: BOD 0.38-2.4 mg/L, Escherichia coli dari 120x102CFU/100ml sehingga 403x102 CFU/100ml; nitrit 0.06-0.99 mg/L, nitrat 1.0-1.8 mg/L; nitrogen ammoniacal 2.00-2.84 mg/L; fosfat 0.21-0.56 mg/L; sulfat 21-35 mg/L; COD 9.3-69 mg/L dan TSS dari 1.8 sehingga 33.3 mg/L; minyak & gris 5.7-11.8 mg/L; keliatan air 13.89-35.57 mg/L. Secara keseluruhan, Tasik Cempaka dikelaskan sebagai sederhana tercemar akibat kesan aktiviti bandar.


Kata kunci: Tasik Cempaka, parameter kualiti air, pengkelasan IKA dan PKAK, sederhana tercemar



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