Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 3 (2016): 477 - 483







(Pengubahsuaian Protein Antibeku Peptidomimetik daripada Hidupan Eksotik Marin Antartika)


Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman1, 2*, Azren AidaAsmawi1,2, Emilia Abdulmalek1,2, Abu Bakar Salleh1,

Bimo Ario Tejo3


1Enzyme and Microbial Technology Research Centre (EMTech)

2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

3Center for Infectious Diseases Research,

Surya University, Jalan Boulevard Gading Serpong Blok O/1,

Scientia Business Park, Tangerang 15810, Indonesia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 9 December 2014; Accepted: 22 March 2016




Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are synthesized by various cold-adapted organisms to enable them to survive in subzero environment. The unique role of AFPs recently attracted enormous interest to develop them as commercial products. In this work, we have studied the antifreeze activity of short helical protein fragments (peptides) instead of the entire antifreeze protein of Antarctic yeast Glaciozyma antarctica. Several short peptide segments were designed according to amino acid sequence of helical region of AFP-1 G.antarctica, which are assumed to be involved in its antifreeze activity. We have demonstrated that short peptide segments derived from yeast AFP possess antifreeze activity and result in modification of the ice crystals growth rates and habits. This strategy has enabled the preparation of short AFP with high antifreeze activity in large amount of quantities at a low cost further opens the chance of developing the commercial potentials of AFPs.


Keywords: Antarctic yeast, antifreeze protein (AFP), Glaciozyma antarctica, ice recrystallization inhibition (IRI)



Protein antibeku (AFPs) disintesis oleh pelbagai adaptasi-sejuk organisma untuk membolehkan ia bertahan di persekitaran suhu bawah takat beku. Peranan unik AFPs telah menarik minat yang besar bagi tujuan produk komersil. Di dalam kajian ini, kami telah mengkaji aktiviti protein antibeku berlingkar yang pendek (peptida) daripada protein antibeku Antartika yis Glaciozyma antarctica. Beberapa segmen peptida pendek direka mengikut jujukan asid amino berlingkar AFP-1 G.antarctica, yang dianggap terlibat dalam aktiviti antibeku. Kami telah menunjukkan bahawa segmen – segmen peptida pendek yang diperolehi daripada yis AFP mempunyai aktiviti antibeku dan menyebabkan pengubahsuaian kadar pertumbuhan dan tabiat hablur ais. Strategi ini telah membolehkan penyediaan AFP pendek dengan aktiviti antibeku yang tinggi dalam jumlah kuantiti besar pada kos yang rendah seterusnya membuka peluang untuk membangunkan potensi komersial AFPs.


Kata kunci: yis Antartika, protein antibeku (AFP), Glaciozyma antarctica, perencatan penghabluran ais (IRI)



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