Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 4 (2016): 892 - 900







(TiO2 Di Dop Bersama Fe2O3 untuk Elektrod Pembelahan Molekul Air Secara Fotoelektrokimia: Eksperimen dan Kajian Teori Fungsi Ketumpatan)


Khuzaimah Arifin1*, Hasmida Abdul Kadir1,3, Lorna Jeffery Minggu1, Wan Ramli Wan Daud1,2 ,

Mohammad B. Kassim1,3


1Fuel Cell Institute

2Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

3School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 5 February 2016; Accepted: 22 April 2016




Various modifications of the titanium dioxide thin films have been done in fulfilling the photoelectrode requirements for photoelectrochemical water splitting reaction. In this study, surface passivation of TiO2 by hematite-Fe2O3 was reported. Electrodeposition technique was used to deposit the Fe2O3 onto the TiO2/FTO film with variation of time. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and UV-Vis spectroscopic analyses were used to characterize the electrode. Plane-wave-based pseudopotential density functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to analyze the electronic structure and charge potential at the surface of the electrode. The photocurrent measurement showed that current density of TiO2/Fe2O3 electrode was higher than the TiO2/FTO under the same illumination intensity of 100 mWcm-2. The highest current density was produced by 5 minutes electrodeposition of Fe2O3, which also shifted the absorption to visible region at the threshold wavelength of 518 nm.


Keywords :  titanium dioxide, iron(III) oxide, passivation layer, band gap



Pelbagai pengubahsuaian titanium dioksida filem nipis telah dilakukan untuk memenuhi keperluan fotoelektrod bagi tindak balas fotoelektrokimia pembelahan molekul air. Dalam kajian ini, dilaporkan pempasifan permukaan TiO2 dengan bijih besi-Fe2O3. Teknik pengelektroenapan digunakan untuk mendepositkan Fe2O3 ke TiO2/FTO filem dengan pelbagai  masa pengelektroenapan. Analisis XRD, SEM dan UV-Vis spektroskopi telah digunakan untuk mencirikan elektrod. pengiraan teori fungsi ketumpatan (DFT) berasaskan planar gelombang pseudopotential telah digunakan untuk menganalisis struktur elektronik dan potensi caj di permukaan elektrod. Pengukuran arusfoto menunjukkan bahawa ketumpatan arus TiO2/Fe2O3 elektrod adalah lebih tinggi daripada  TiO2/FTO bawah  keamatan  pencahayaan  yang sama, 100 mWcm-2.  Ketumpatan  semasa  tertinggi  dihasilkan  oleh 5 minit pengelektroenapan Fe2O3, yang mana penyerapan beralih ke kawasan yang boleh dilihat pada panjang gelombang ambang 518 nm.


Kata kunci:  titanium dioksida, ferum (III) oksida, lapisan pasif, sela jalur



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