Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 4 (2016): 726 - 734







(Penentuan Prazosin dan Simvastatin di dalam Larut Lesap Mengunakan Kromatografi Cecair-Masa Penerbangan-Spektrometri Jisim)


Zainab Haider Mussa1,2, Fouad Fadhil Al-Qaim1,3*, Md Pauzi Abdullah1,4, Mohamed Rozali Othman1,4


1School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

2Faculty of Pharmacy

3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences for Women

University of Babylon, PO Box 4, Hilla, Iraq

4Centre for Water Research and Analysis (ALIR), Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 13 January 2016; Accepted: 27 March 2016




Human pharmaceuticals have been shown to occur in considerably high amounts in sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents and surface waters. So far there is no data available on the occurrence of prazosin and simvastatin in leachate sample in Malaysia. Thus, this study is the first report to analysis of prazosin and simvastatin in leachate samples by using solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SPE-LC-TOF-MS). The proposed method included isolation and reconstitute procedure. The linearity range was achieved at 1.5 - 3000 μg/L and 0.8 – 125 μg/L for prazosin and simvstatin, respectively with a determination coefficient (R2) > 0.99. The limit of quantification (LOQ) for prazosin and simvastatin was calculated at 2.1 and 0.5 ng/L in deionised water (DIW), meanwhile it was recorded at 3.5 and 2.4 ng/L for prazosin and simvastatin in effluent sample, respectively. Two pharmaceutical compounds were detected in the leachate samples: prazosin and simvastatin at concentrations levels of 3850 and 415 ng/L, respectively.


Keywords: prazosin, simvastatin, leachate, solid phase extraction, pharmaceutical pollution



Farmaseutikal manusia telah hadir di dalam effluen loji sisa rawatan dan air permukaan. Sehingga kini, tiada data kajian yang merekodkan kehadiran prazosin dan simvastatin dalam sampel larut lesap di Malaysia. Maka, kajian ini merupakan laporan pertama tentang analisis terhadap prazosin dan simvastatin di dalam sampel larut lesap mengunakan pengekstrakan fasa pepejal-kromatografi cecair-masa penerbangan-spekrometri jisim (SPE-LC-TOF-MS). Kaedah yang dibangun meliputi langkah pemisahan dan nilai isian semula. Julat kelinearan dicapai antara 1.5 – 3000 μg/L dan 0.8 – 125 μg/L masing-masing bagi prazosin dan simvastatin dengan nilai pekali (R2) > 0.99. Had kuantifikasi (LOQ) bagi prazosin and simvastatin dihitung pada aras  2.1 dan 0.5 ng/L di dalam air ternyahion manakala direkod masing-masing pada aras 3.5 dan 2.4 ng/L di dalam sampel efluen. Dua jenis sebatian farmaseutikal ini dikesan in dalam sampel larut lesap pada aras kepekatan masing-masing adalah 3850 and 415 ng/L.


Kata kunci: prazosin, simvastatin, larut lesap, pengekstrakan fasa pepejal, pencemaran farmaseutikal



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