Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 5 (2016): 1138 - 1144







(Kajian Pendedahan Getaran Terhadap Polidimetilsiloksana yang Diperkuat Silika Dari Abu Sekam Padi)


Mohd Azham Azmi*, Mohd Syahmi Muin @ Marsayid, Shahruddin Mahzan, Sufizar Ahmad, Hariati Taib


Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 10 June 2015; Accepted: 21 July 2016




The study investigates the vibration and mechanical properties of rice husk silica (RHS) in enhancing the properties of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The PDMS/RHS composites panel were fabricated by using casting technique and cured at room temperature. PDMS panels were filled with 2 – 12 wt% of RHS. Vibration analysis of PDMS/RHS composites panel were guided by ISO 8662 standard in evaluation of hand arm vibration for hand grinder machine. The vibration exposure analysis showed that application of PDMS/RHS as a vibration absorber successfully decreased the vibration exposure to 46%. Tensile properties analysis conducted using ASTM D412 standard showed that the PDMS/10 wt% RHS properties increased to 9.6% compared to PDMS without RHS. Thus it is concluded that the addition of RHS had improved both properties of PDMS. RHS has successfully acts as a reinforcement when load is applied to the panel and during vibration exposure, RHS has acts as an absorber and distributed the vibration.


Keywords:  polydimethylsiloxane, vibration exposure, rice husk silica, tensile properties



Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti sifat – sifat getaran dan tegangan silika sekam padi (RHS) yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan sifat – sifat polidimetilsiloksana (PDMS). Panel komposit PDMS/RHS dihasilkan menggunakan kaedah tuangan dan dirawat pada suhu bilik. Panel PDMS di isi dengan RHS sebanyak 2 – 12 wt%. Analisa getaran panel komposit PDMS/RHS dikendalikan menurut piawaian ISO 8662 bertujuan menilai pendedahan getaran pada tangan bagi penggunaan mesin canai tangan. Keputusan analisa terhadap pendedahan getaran menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan PDMS/RHS sebagai penyerap getaran telah berjaya menurunkan pendedahan getaran sebanyak 46%. Analisa sifat – sifat tegangan yang dijalankan berpandukan piawaian ASTM D412 menunjukkan sifat - sifat PDMS/10 wt% RHS telah meningkat sebanyak 9.6% jika dibandingkan dengan PDMS tanpa RHS. Ini menunjukkan bahawa penambahan RHS telah meningkatkan kedua – dua sifat PDMS. RHS telah berjaya bertindak sebagai penguat apabila beban dikenakan pada panel dan bertindak sebagai penyerap dan penyebar apabila getaran dikenakan.


Kata kunci:  polidimetilsiloksana, pendedahan getaran, silika sekam padi, sifat terikan



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