Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 5 (2016): 1033 - 1041







(Penyediaan dan Pencirian Poli(Anilina-ko-m-Asid Aminobenzoik)/Polistirena Komposit Fiber Nano dan Filem)


Fatimah Syahidah Mohamad and Norizah Abdul Rahman*


Department of Chemistry,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 17 August 2015; Accepted: 17 June 2016




In this research, a simple method was used to synthesize poly(aniline-co-m-aminobenzoic acid) also known as P(ANI-co-m-ABA) composite polystyrene (PS) nanofibers by using in situ chemical polymerization technique. The copolymer was polymerized on electrospun PS nanofibers mats with varied monomers solution concentration and the polymerization time. P(ANI-co-m-ABA) was also polymerized on PS films were prepared for comparison. The conductivity of the composites was studied and the result showed addition of graphene (GP) into the composites improved the conductivity of the composites. The composites of P(ANI-co-m-ABA)/PS nanofibers and films were characterized by Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy. Surface morphology of the composite was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


Keywords:  poly(aniline-co-m-aminobenzoic acid), nanofibers, electrospinning



Dalam kajian ini, satu cara mudah telah digunakan untuk sintesis poli(anilina-ko-m-asid aminobenzoik) atau diringkas sebagai P(ANI-co-m-ABA) komposit polistirena (PS) fiber nano dengan menggunakan teknik pempolimeran kimia in situ. Pempolimeran kopolimer telah dijalankan ke atas PS fiber nano pada kepekatan monomer dan masa pempolimeran yang berbeza. P(ANI-co-m-ABA) juga menjalani proses pempolimeran ke atas filem PS sebagai perbandingan. Konduktiviti komposit telah dikaji dan keputusan menunjukkan dengan penambahan grafin (GP) ke dalam filem PS, bacaan konduktiviti elektrik telah meningkatkan. Komposit P(ANI-co-m-ABA) dan fiber nano PS telah dicirikan dengan menggunakan spektroskopi inframerah transformasi Fourier (FTIR), analisis termogravimetri (TGA) dan spektroskopi ultraungu nampak (UV-vis). Morfologi komposit juga telah dikaji dengan menggunakan mikroskopi elektron imbasan (SEM).


Kata kunci:  poli(anilina-ko-m-asid aminobenzoik), fiber nano, putaran elektro



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